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I'm about to help my friend connect his Vipec v44 to a 4 stroke Volvo b234 16 valve enginge. Turbo charged. Rotor Ignition. 

So to be able to help him without causing a mess I would appreciate any helpful information available. I have located the manual explaining the pins. 

The trigger sensor on the crankshaft is the original (2-pins), He's planning to sort out the idle by adjusting the throttle position. 

Injectors 1000 cc.

Is there any configuration similar in this manual that i could hijack? 



Best regards




Hi Alexander,

One important thing that needs to be determined is if the V44 supports the trigger pattern of your engine. I don't know what the trigger 1 and trigger 2 patterns will be on your engine, but suspect 60-2 for trigger one. Are you able to tell us what the engine has? We can then confirm that the V44 can do the job.

We don't have a wiring diagram specific to your engine. However the wiring manual for the V44 is included as part of the VTS help file of VTS for V-Series. The lat version made of this was 4.10.2, and you can download it from here:





Hi Scott

Thanks for the reply.

I will look upp the trigger pattern. 60-2 rings a bell but I will check and write it here.

Thanks for the link.

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