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Base Map for QG16De


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Well i just got G4+ Atom from local distributor, They tuned and its work fine but i'd like to study myself so i've plan to reset to factory but i have no idea how to start it over once i hit reset, so there's any base map for this engine ? Nissan Qg16DE ( same as QG18DE ) thanks in advance

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I would recommend saving the base-map that currently exists to your hard-drive, so that you can restore it if needed, or use it for a comparison. We don't have a base-map for this engine, but someone else may reply with one. If they don't, start working your way through the ECU settings menu configuring things as you go. Tables like the main fuel and ignition ones will need to wait until you have inputs, outputs, fuel system settings, and ignition system settings correctly configured. You're welcome to ask any questions you have as you go along. If you are looking for a 'course' on how to set the ECU up then the HP Academy course on the G4+ is worth while doing:



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Thanks for reply Scott
but it is password protect and tuner won't give me ones so i can do nothing about it.
By this time i'm going to collect all information which i need to start engine once i've reset
So if there any clue for this engine  please help ;)


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