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Aim MXL Strada not reading the correct pressures


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Hi All 

I have configured my AIM dahs to work with my G4+ xtreme Red ecu how ever I'm having issues with the oil pressure and Fuel pressure channels reading lower values to what the ECU is. 

at a 750 rpm idle the ecu reads 200 ish KPa oil pressure and 250KPa fuel pressure. the dash reads  20 KPa and -25 respectively. I have updated the dash to the latest firm ware, as is the ECU. 


Any suggestions




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On 11/03/2018 at 6:27 PM, Adamw said:

If you scroll to the end of that thread I'm pretty sure the last file I attached fixed the negative pressure.  Let me know if it doesnt and I can fix it easy enough.

Thanks Adam, i didnt see the 2nd link in that thread. 
worked a treat! 



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Hi Adam.

I'm having the same issue on a car here. Came across this thread so i downloaded your latest can stream above. 

The only thing I'm doing differently is I'm loading the stream into Stream 3 as I have other CAN functions on 1 and 2. When I load it in it pops up a warning box saying too many parameters in stream. 

I deleted they last few frames with Knock etc as I'm not using them and it then lets me apply and store however pressures are still reading 10% like Simons issue above? 

Ive downloaded latest software and firmware for both and must have another try as I was a bit out of date. 

Any ideas?


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Whoops I was being stupid, still had it set to Generic Dash and never copped it! I'm fitting another today with a Monsoon and I downloaded the stream file at the end of the other thread, everything is good apart from the negative fuel pressure. Could you possibly confirm the latest stream file? 

Thanks for your help Adam.

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5 hours ago, pault said:

everything is good apart from the negative fuel pressure. Could you possibly confirm the latest stream file? 

Hmmm, thats weird, it sounds like it worked for Simon above.  Im not sure if you maybe got the wrong file or you guys are running different firmwares and one has the -ve fuel pressure bug fixed.

In any case I will attach two files below, one has a negative multiplier for fuel press (Dec2017), the other doesnt (Mar2018), so one of them should work for you.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just used these files to get my data stream corrected. The fuel pressure negative issue is apparently still present in the latest firmware.

On a related note:

Adam, I tried using some config files you posted elsewhere to pass status of a digital input. However when i switch the AIM configuration over to the custom stream file you provided I get only partial data. It really makes no sense to me at all that some data comes across and other is just "--" not even bad data.

Do you have an AIM config that is an exact copy of the default data stream? I'd like to get my ethanol content and fuel temp over and delete 4 of the knock channels.

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8 hours ago, barge said:

Adam, I tried using some config files you posted elsewhere to pass status of a digital input. However when i switch the AIM configuration over to the custom stream file you provided I get only partial data.

Yes I have just stumbled across that same problem a couple of nights ago.  I was configuring a dash remotely in Canada the other night and couldnt get the dash to work properly with any custom compound CAN message, it appeared to work with sequential messages ok.  Even if I only sent one parameter sometimes it would work, other times it wouldnt.  I can only assume they have a bug in their more recent firmware.  I run out of time setting up that one so sent him some sequential config files to try later but havent heard back if they worked or not yet.  I will report back when I hear any news.  Unfortunately I dont have a dash here myself to test.

Edit:  I see I have just had an email back from the other user saying the custom sequential stream I done for him is all working (he wanted knock count and a few other parameters displayed).  Sequential is a little more workin our software but if you give me a list of what you want transmitted I should be able to set something up for you.

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Here is where I got with my AIM config. The other one I did I left "gaps" in the CAN config because I was trying to better organize the data for myself. This latest config I just put everything packed together like the default file in hopes that would work.

If you do this much I should be able to take care of any additions.


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Ok, some files attached.  Note I just modified the files I had set up for the other guy so it is laid out a bit different than you had it and I have probably named some of the channels lightly different than you too.

There are 3 stream files attached for the ECU and a CAN template for the dash.

The ECU setup is a bit trickier this time.  You will notice I have 3 data channels turned on.  Channel 1=Transmit user stream1, Channel 2=Transmit user stream2, etc.  Each one of these channels needs a different ID.
Channel 1 ID=768.
Channel 2 ID=784.
Channel 3 ID=800.

Channel 1 settings shown below:


Set up of channel 2 & 3 are similar just with the ID's quoted above.

Now we move to the streams tab and you will load the relevant stream file(attached) into stream 1, 2, & 3.  When done you should end up with 3 streams that have 1 frame each like below:


LINK_Barge Special_@20180415_081726_007640.xc1

Stream 1.lcs

Stream 2.lcs

Stream 3.lcs

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Thanks for the help. I will hopefully get back to the car tomorrow and test this.

I'll get a call into AIM tomorrow as well to see what they have to say. I'm a little disappointed in them after upgrading from an MXL to the new MXS and not being able to use the main feature I upgraded for properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I won't be able to test for another week or so here is a modified file that AIM sent to me. They said there is an issue with the custom driver handing row ID's. They fixed it in another case by adding the dummy wrong and byte you see at the end.

I'll test it in a week or so but I figured i'd present the info in case anyone else may need it.

LINK_BRG AiM Test_@20180414_155512_005852.xc1

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  • 3 weeks later...

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