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    yalaha FL
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  1. Okay well so far... No pop-up screen.. Auto connection seems to be working as it should.. No weird graphical glitches that I have seen as of yet.. And even though I wasn't posting about it the software doesn't seem to be locking up anymore either..(That's been a thing for me for a couple different software versions)
  2. So...this time all I did was turn the car off..and the moment I got the prompt box for ECU selection..everything went to crap. Fresh start on the laptop
  3. Honestly loved just turning the key and having it connect...the extra step is a annoyance..but the software is just becoming a big annoyance..
  4. I'll be honest with you I think it's just an inherent bug... At this point I have it with my laptop, my spare laptop, my desktop, a remote to and I did from Florida to California had the same issues... I don't even know how I started it last time.. And now, it would seem as if I'm dealing with random lockup issues that require the restart of the entire PC in order to regain control of it... It just dies and will not force close
  5. I wouldn't miss the prompt box if it was removed on the next release... What's the point of keeping the auto connect feature if it's masked out by that? Either way, I'm finding random ways now to start these graphical bugs.. IE unplug USB..wait for that prompt, plug it back in and select the ECU.. freaks out... Whole thing feels like it shouldn't have left BETA. Definitely not final release material...
  6. If it helps what almost absolutely reproduces the issue... At least for me... Is whenever I close the lid to my laptop with the software still on... Come back in about an hour (laptop is in standby at this point) Resume the laptops operation... Software is still open and glitches can be seen. However, the next time it comes up I will do as instructed
  7. Woo and I thought my glitches were bad
  8. Yeah... No scaling issue here..(set 100) However these graphical bugs have just randomly started popping up.. Mine seems to be triggered if the laptop goes into standby... And goes back into active with the software still running in the background... Restarting the software seems to correct this. Since this issue exists between Windows 10 and Windows 11.. Starting to think it might actually be an actual glitch.. not necessarily a user created issue
  9. went ahead and raised the map limit and smoothed out your ignition table since the auto population made a jagged mess of things. everything seems to be in order past that. unsure what your Max boost expected is meant to be. please log another run and get back to me again do not exceed your max boost. if you get too close to it the waste gate table will need to be modified base map Map limit corrections- ignition corrections.pclr
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