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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You can have a 2nd map limit table and you could choose to have this spanned on ethanol content. Much the same for the boost target you can set the target table to be spanned based on % ethanol. So for less ethanol you have less boost.
  2. Yep no problems for the G4 to control a water spray. A typical setup is to have a Switch input and and aux out configured for IC spray. So you will need a free Di and Aux out. If you are not running AC this would free up the ideal input and output. The Help file in PCLink has a section on the configuration of IC spray.
  3. For the MAP make sure you have the input set up on AN Volt 5
  4. I think updating 10 times a second will be ok for most applications the exception might be a very fast drag application.
  5. There is a very good chance this could be be used to trigger a Di to generate a speed input. If it can drive a factory dash it will be able to drive our ECU.
  6. What you have is spot on. The latest is all ways the one to go for. Map cal will need to be done with correct sensor selected. Make sure its on 2.5bar The current base maps will set this to 4bar. Also check the reading of the baro sensor.
  7. With the sensor powered check the voltage on the signal wire this should move between roughly .5V to 4.9 volts. If this is reading correctly it is likely the error settings for the volt channel are incorrect. Error Low should be 0.05V and Error High 4.95
  8. This could be the ECU is dropping out due to low voltage. Or it could also be a coms issue. Does the engine run?
  9. You will need to match up factory trigger pattern. So tooth count and location of the gap will need to match.
  10. The TPS should have a 5V feed. But it could be a switch type that will show as ground and 5V when fully closed or open. To check this with the TPS disconnected you should measure the resistance between the ground and signal wires. It should change gradually with a opening throttle. A switch type will likely go between 0ohms and open circuit.. Three wire 02 normally have a power (12V) and ground for the heater and a signal wire. When the engine is not running it could read as ground. So in this case you can turn the error off by setting the error value on that channel to 0V
  11. You can but most applications will be better if MAP tuned. The exception is multi butterfly engines. Or ones with big cams.
  12. Yep that will be fine. Most of the outputs also have test functions.
  13. Only difference in spec was the map sensor. The Silver ones run a 2.5 bar sensor. The Blue ones got a 4 bar.
  14. The NTC setting is what should be used. Im assuming when the engine is hot it is reading 6deg? The 10% is the fuel correction for warmup enrichment. I suspect there is a wiring issue as the display should not dim or reset at any time when the ECU is powered. I would start buy checking the power supply and both earth to the ECU from the engine block. Also on these old ECU's we are starting to see many with broken solder joins on the main header which could also cause issues like this.
  15. This is the correct plumbing assuming you also have a line plumbed from the bottom of the gate to the compressor With it plumbed like this it should function correctly. What are you seeing that leads you to change the plumbing?
  16. No this is not an option due to the hardware on the existing ECU.
  17. Plumb it correctly is the fix. Also the type of solenoid will have an effect.
  18. We are trying to do releases at roughly monthly intervals so I would hope within a month. However this is never a certainty as all sorts can crop up.
  19. Pair 1 and 3 on drive 1 and do 2 and 4 off drive 2
  20. Hi Kevin If you update to 4.9.3 it will resolve the RPM maximum on the axis configuration allowing up to 20000 The maximum map value will still be an issue until the next firmware release.
  21. Correct it is only an issue when you have fuel pressure as an input selection. You will need to change the limit table to be spanned off 0-5 as opposed to pressure and then you can still use this safety function. Firmware will be available once testing has been done to a level we are happy with.
  22. If you hit the 'b' key whilst logging it will do this for you.
  23. First thing to check is if the PC is seeing the ECU in device manager it should assign it as a com port. Make sure there is no ! mark next to it. I assume the ECU is powering up and car still start? Also make sure you do not have anything connected on the CAN/Serial connection of the board.
  24. That unit is geared for any application using a reluctor sensor with one tooth per TDC. Common applications would be 4AGE 16V Early 1600 Mazda GTX Many V8's including Rover To get this to run a 4G63 would require a sub-board change. Requiring the unit be returned to us.
  25. Simon

    sw20 adapter loom

    Plug will be the same but the pinout will be different. You could modify your loom to suit.
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