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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You should now have email from the Sales / Support team.
  2. In that case if it is the Continental one we are yet to test but thanks to Jean we have one to test on.
  3. It will work with the Link Knock Box also.
  4. We haven't seen one inhouse but a dealer may know.
  5. ECU logging can be set to 50Hz, but PC based logging is limited to 20Hz
  6. When you are online F12 key will bring up a popup window with all the run times information split in to a number of tabs.
  7. For us the main advantage with MAP is that it is what we designed the ECU around. Another negative is the need to use a MAF or AFM sensor which adds to the intake plumbing. However there are very good arguments for MAF based applications. MAF really comes into its own on multi throttle butterfly applications such as the GTR RB26 and GTiR SR20 applications.
  8. Forgot to mention the arming voltage should be approx 1/2 the peak voltage from the sensor when measured with a scope.
  9. Couple of things to check. Make sure you are taking trigger 2 off the intake cam. Polarity of the sensors will be critical make sure you see a rising and then falling signal as the tooth goes past. Trigger arming voltage will also have an effect if it is too high it will miss teeth.
  10. Hi Richard 2200ohms 1/2watt. THe reason is the internal pull up is too stiff for the sensor to work with. Edge will not matter. Our testing was done with the GM sensor.
  11. The Master fuel figure will be the one to start with. Smaller figure = less fuel bigger = more fuel. It is used to ballpark the fuelling.
  12. Simon

    On-board scope

    We also produce the Vi-pec range of ECU it is to a higher spec and price than the link range. www.vi-pec.com
  13. Hi When doing a piggyback you are best to leave as much as possible factory. So try to share the sensors retaining the factory power supplies. Pullups in our ecu should be turned off. Temp inputs do not have the option to have the pullup turned off so will either need a second set of sensors or be wired to AN volt inputs and use a custom cal.
  14. Simon

    CAS Wires

    Assuming you are reffering to the 3L VL if this is the case then yes it will match.
  15. A wideband will be a must for tuning. But once tuned is not a must have. Just make sure you have fittings in the exhaust to allow a sensor for each bank. That way when tuning you can swap from bank to bank to make sure all is happy. It is an option to have two widebands wired to the ECU and then using closed loop to trim if needed when running day to day.
  16. Hi As the ECU is below Serial 10000 we will need to get it back. The ECU will have a hardware change to allow CAN coms. The Display if of similar age will also need an up grade if you can not select Link U Can in the ECU type under Display setup.
  17. That was explained very well Ben!
  18. Its likely to be a slight difference in ground levels for the two units. You can correct for this through doing a custom CAL and tweaking the voltages until the ECU matches the gauge.
  19. Some times if you are targeting 100% opening and or 0% closed it will bind before reaching 100% or 0% try a target of 98% open and 1% closed to see if this helps. Also make sure all the mechanism is free moving and not binding at all.
  20. Simon

    Can Bus

    Any of the dealers for your state will be able to assist. We have a flying lead option and also a field installable connector that can be soldered to directly.
  21. Hi guys. The projects that are in the pipe line we don't publish in the public domain as this can assist our competitors by giving them notice of what is coming. Allowing them to then work on their own products to compete directly. It can also create similar situations to traction control where a function or feature is announced but then does not make it to final release. Causing dissatisfaction amongst our customers.
  22. Simon


    On multi butterfly TPS but if its a single butterfly go with MAP. TPS+ MAP is TPS for the non boosted part and then reverts to MAP for boost.
  23. The VPS9 will be pre loaded with a base map. You will just have to check the configuration and calibrate throttle position and Timing.
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