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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The fuel pump no priming will be related to the ECU not shutting off. As the prim only happens at power on. You will need to check the wiring of any aux outs. If any have power when the key is off it will cause a back feed.
  2. Looking at the settings they are what we have on our motor. I would start by working through the cam test function to check where the teeth are. It could be the cam timing is different and your offsets need to be different.
  3. That should be a good starting point. One are that can cause problems is if the polarity on any of the sensors is incorrect.
  4. I was meaning on the main board. On late boards there was the option to configure the Ign3 and Aux out using them. On early boards it was done with a wire link and resistor. If it is not configured correctly Ignition 3 could be trying to work as an RPM and ignition out at the same time. So its not a trigger / sub-board issue its a configuration of the main board.
  5. We have one of these as our test mule engine so if you can post up your VVT settings we will be able to tell if anything is really out.
  6. I would start with the EVO 5 map and tune from there.
  7. Only way to have a delay on the main pumps will be to drive them using a GP output and have a timer based delay triggered from the lift pump drive. However it is more normal to activate all pumps off the one fuel pump drive at the same time.
  8. Yes you can set a GP limit to be based on oil pressure. This can be set up to limit to a low engine speed or a total engine cut.
  9. Hi Niklas That can be done on the current firmware. Just select the 3D option for the launch and then configure the axis to suit.
  10. We have been doing a bit of work on the connection speed, and feedback so far from dealers with the pre release software has been promising. We are still ironing out some issues so not sure at this stage when there will be a public release. Having a basic layout with out the 3d graph or log plotting will give the best results on the current release.
  11. Simon

    More Tables??

    Likely to be a while yet as it requires more memory.
  12. All spot on but for the internal logging the parameters logged are fixed to the following ECU Logging Parameters The following parameters are able to be logged in ECU logging mode: AN Volt 1 to 11 Inj timing Anti-Lag Cyclic Idle Knock Count Global Anti-Lag Ign Cut Knock Level Global AN Temp 1 to 4 Knock Threshold BAP Launch Limit Batt Voltage MAP CL Stepper Limit MAP Limit Digital Frequency 1 to 6 Mass per Cyl (x100) Dwell Time Max Ignition E-Throttle Limit MGP ECT Overrun Fuel Cut ECU Temperature RPM Limit Engine Speed Speed (DI 1 to 6) Fault Codes Speed Limit Gear TP (Main) GP RPM Limit 1 and 2 Trig 1 Err Counter IAT Under Voltage Ign Angle Voltage Limit Inj Actual PW Wake-Up Status Inj Duty Cycle (Sec) VVT Cam Position
  13. The Storm you are using is it Silver or Blue? If its blue the sensor type should be set to 4bar.
  14. No it should not be doing this if set up correctly. Is it a late board with the switches under the sub-board?
  15. Best solution would be to use a solid state relay and control the pump direct.
  16. You have a G1 possum Link that is pre PC tuning and so will require an upgrade if wishing to use PC tuning.
  17. Nope shouldn't be an issue at all. Although a coils mounted from plastic ties is a bit of a concern it really should be bolted down to a solid bracket.
  18. No the feed needs to come from say the same feed as for the injectors or coils.
  19. One side of the solenoid will need a key switched power and the other side is to a free Aux out on the ECU.
  20. Just a thought it might be your signal ground is suspect. The joins around the main header of the ECU can fracture over time if its an early unit. you can check the under side of the header to see if there are any signs of fatigue.
  21. The Xtreme has internal knock circuitry and two dedicated knock input pins. It has a gain and frequency settings. Information on the set up of this is covered in the help file.
  22. Both are both reluctor type sensors. You will need to check the sensor clearance. (gap between the sensor end and the wheel)
  23. No you will need to swap the crank wheel over as well to give a matching set of V7 wheels.
  24. Hi Both questions are covered really well in the PC link Help file. This is a huge resource and the search function is very good.
  25. As the trigger mode is generic and covers a huge range of applications the offset is often very far away from 0. You will just need to adjust on the car to make the timing correct.
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