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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Check in device manager under com ports to see if the ECU is being recognised it be assigned a com port number. There is an issue with USB3.0 ports. If the USB port you are using has a blue tag it will be USB3. The next release PC link has a fix for USB3 and also windows 8.
  2. Just a heads up we will be closed on the 6th due to Waitangi day. (NZ national holiday) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waitangi_Day
  3. Check your max and min duty cycles. If they are lower than 95% you can increase to that point. Also make sure the TP main is the input that spans the biggest voltage range and the sub should be the input that spans the narrower range. Check when it goes through the cal process it fully opens and closes the plate.
  4. Hi Jamie Got your Email I will get some screened cable out to you to try. It is best practice to have screened cable for the signal. Chances are in most cases not having screened cable would not be an issue. However it is worth trying it to see if it can help in this case.
  5. Simon

    windows 8

    We have a windows 8 supporting release coming very soon (in a day or 3)
  6. Hi Jeff It is fixed. But really would be best to get the engine temp up higher as they really do like running hotter than 70.
  7. Shield should be grounded at one end only, Ideal would be to tie it to the ground for the knock link as close to the knockLink unit as possible. Another test to try would be to power the unit direct off a battery out of the car to see if it still goes through the set up even with no sensor connected. If there was noise getting on to the signal both units would be effected the same. Causing both to end up too sensitive and then in turn giving false readings.
  8. You will need to use a solid state relay to drive the pump. This can then be controlled through a spare Aux output set as a GP PWM. The table can then be spanned based of boost and one other input.
  9. Fault Code Description Cause Solution 0 No Fault Everything is OK! None 1 RPM Limit RPM limit reached. The RPM limit was activated. This fault may occur as part of normal operation if RPM Limit Fault code is enabled. 2 MAP Limit MAP limit reached. The MAP limit was activated. This fault may occur as part of normal operation if MAP Limit Fault code is enabled. 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 An V1 at 5V An V2 at 5V An V3 at 5V An V4 at 5V An V5 at 5V An V6 at 5V An V7 at 5V An V8 at 5V An V9 at 5V An V10 at 5V An V11 at 5V An T1 at 5V An T2 at 5V An T3 at 5V An T4 at 5V The voltage at the analog input pin has been above the Error High voltage for longer than one second. Sensor may be faulty. Temp channel sensor disconnected. Fault Settings incorrect. Sensor voltage is going to 5V as part of normal operation but high voltage fault detection is not disabled (Error High). 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 An V1 at Ground An V2 at Ground An V3 at Ground An V4 at Ground An V5 at Ground An V6 at Ground An V7 at Ground An V8 at Ground An V9 at Ground An V10 at Ground An V11 at Ground An T1 at Ground An T2 at Ground An T3 at Ground An T4 at Ground The voltage at the analog input pin has been below the Error Low voltage for longer than one second. Sensor may be faulty. Volt channel sensor disconnected. Fault Settings incorrect. Sensor voltage is going to 0V as part of normal operation but low voltage fault detection is not disabled (Error Low). 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 An V1 Signal Error An V2 Signal Error An V3 Signal Error An V4 Signal Error An V5 Signal Error An V6 Signal Error An V7 Signal Error An V8 Signal Error An V9 Signal Error An V10 Signal Error An V11 Signal Error An T1 Signal Error An T2 Signal Error An T3 Signal Error An T4 Signal Error The signal is not as expected. Some analog channel functions do checks on the input signal to make sure it is changing as expected (eg RPM and MAP are increasing but TPS did not change or engine idling but TPS at 100%). Check sensor operation and calibration. 56 MAP at 5V The voltage at the analog input used for MAP Sensor has been above the Error High voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at 5V fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information. 57 MAP at Ground The voltage at the analog input used for MAP Sensor has been below the Error Low voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at Ground fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 58 MAP Signal Error The MAP signal was not as expected. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 59 TPS at 5V The voltage at the analog input used for TPS Sensor has been above the Error High voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at 5V fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information. 60 TPS at Ground The voltage at the analog input used for TPS Sensor has been below the Error Low voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at Ground fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 61 TPS Signal Error The TPS signal was not as expected This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 62 ECT at 5V The voltage at the analog input used for ECT Sensor has been above the Error High voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at 5V fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information. This fault will be generated if the IAT sensor is unplugged and the Error High value is less than 5.00 V. 63 ECT at Ground The voltage at the analog input used for ECT Sensor has been below the Error Low voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 64 ECT Signal Error The ECT signal was not as expected This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 65 IAT at 5V The voltage at the analog input used for IAT Sensor has been above the Error High voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input at 5V fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information. This fault will be generated if the ECT sensor is unplugged and the Error High value is less than 5.00 V. 66 IAT at Ground The voltage at the analog input used for IAT Sensor has been below the Error Low voltage for longer than one second. This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 67 IAT Signal Error The IAT signal was not as expected This fault will be accompanied by a general Analog Input Signal Error fault code. Refer to that fault code for more information 68 Not Used 69 Electronic Throttle Control Max Duty Cycle Reached E-Throttle duty cycle has been within +/-5% of its maximum value continuously for more than 2 seconds. In this situation the E-Throttle system is shut down and cannot be restarted until the ECU power has been cycled. There may be something restricting throttle plate movement or the wiring to the throttle motor has been disconnected meaning the ECU has tried to move the throttle plate but has needed to apply to much power for too long. 70 Electronic Throttle Control Max Duty Cycle Reached The E-Throttle duty cycle has been within +/-5% of its minimum value continuously for more than 2 seconds. In this situation the E-Throttle system is shut down and cannot be restarted until the ECU power has been cycled. There may be something restricting throttle plate movement or the wiring to the throttle motor has been disconnected meaning the ECU has tried to move the throttle plate but has needed to apply to much power for too long. 71 Electronic Throttle Motor Driver (Aux 9/10) Supply Error. If the voltage level drops below 7.0V for a continuous period of at least 2 seconds this fault code will be generated. The Electronic Throttle Control will immediately be shut down and will not be allowed to re-activate until the ECU power is cycled. Note this is different to fault code 67 and indicates that Electronic Throttle Control was shut down. Measure the supply voltage. Check for blown fuses. 72 Electronic Throttle Control Sensor Supply Voltage Error If the 5V supply is less than 4.85V for a continuous period of at least 2 seconds this fault code will be generated. Electronic Throttle Control will immediately be shut down and will not be allowed to re-activate until the ECU power is cycled 73 Aux 9/10 Supply The voltage at the Aux 9/10 power supply pin was not as expected. This error applies to Red Xtreme ECUs only. The Aux 9/10 power supply may have an electrical fault. Check Aux 9/10 Supply runtime value (found under ECU Status runtime values). It should read similar to the Batt Voltage runtime value (found under Analog Inputs runtime values). Check fuses. Check outputs wired to Aux 9 and Aux 10 are not shorted to ground. 74 Analog 5V Supply Error The ECUs 5V Out voltage is not as expected. There may be a wiring fault on the 5V Out pin causing too much current draw. Check Analog Output Supply runtime value (found under ECU Status runtime values). It should read between about 4.9 and 5.1 volts. 75 Electronic Throttle Position Control Error Throttle Plate Position unable to track Target Position. In this fault state the throttle plate cannot maintain or achieve the desired target position. The Throttle Plate position and Target Position in steady state condition must remain at ALL times within +/- 2% of each other. When the Target position is changing the excepted tolerance is adjusted based on its rate of change. If this tolerance is exceeded for a continuous period of at least 2 seconds this fault code will be generated. Redo TPS calibration procedure. Check Electronic Throttle Control tuning. Check mechanical operation of throttle actuator. 76 TPS Main and TPS Sub tracking Error Throttle Plate Position Signal Tracking Error. Expected relative position between TPS (Main) and TPS (Sub) has exceeded the specified tolerance of +/- 3.0% for a continuous period of more than 2 seconds. In this fault state the ECU must assume the throttle plate feedback to be invalid and that a problem exists with either with the TPS(Main) or TPS(Sub) signal. The ECU cannot detect which signal is invalid which means the plate position is effectively unknown and cannot be controlled. Sensor Fault, test sensor. Sensor Calibration Fault, recalibrate sensors. 77 FPS Main and FPS Sub tracking Error Foot Position Signal Tracking Error. Expected relative position between the FPS (Main) and FPS (Sub) has exceeded the specified tolerance of +/- 3.0% for a continuous period of more than 2 seconds. In this fault state the ECU must assume the foot position feedback to be invalid and that a problem exists with either with the FPS(Main) or FPS(Sub) signal. The ECU cannot detect which signal is invalid which means the foot position is effectively unknown. At this point the ECU will force a fault condition value to 5.0%. It should be noted that in this fault condition the ECU still has control over the throttle plate and this will continue to be controlled as normal which also means the Electronic Throttle Control isolating relay will remain ON. Sensor Fault, test sensor. Sensor Calibration Fault, recalibrate sensors. 78 Throttle Plate Position (Main) Signal at ground. TPS(Main) signal has been less then the specified “Error Low” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 79 Throttle Plate Position (Sub) Signal at ground. TPS(Sub) signal has been less then the specified “Error Low” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 80 Throttle Plate Position (Main) Signal at 5V. TPS(Main) signal has been greater then the specified “Error High” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 81 Throttle Plate Position (Sub) Signal at 5V. TPS(Sub) signal has been greater then the specified “Error High” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 82 TPS(Main) not selected. TPS(Main) has not been selected or has been de-selected on an analog channel when Electronic Throttle Control is being used. Wiring fault. 83 TPS(Sub) not selected. TPS(Sub) has not been selected or has been de-selected on an analog channel when Electronic Throttle Control is being used. Wiring fault. 84 Aux 9/10 Driver Fault Over-Current/Over-Temperature warning from the electronic Throttle Control hardware contained inside the ECU. This is most likely caused by excessive current draw on the Aux 9/10 channels. 85 Foot Position (Main) Signal at ground. FPS(Main) signal has been less then the specified “Error Low” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 86 Foot Position (Sub) Signal at ground. FPS(Sub) signal has been less then the specified “Error Low” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 87 Foot Position (Main) Signal at 5V. FPS(Main) signal has been greater then the specified “Error High” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 88 Foot Position (Sub) Signal at 5V. FPS(Sub) signal has been greater then the specified “Error High” fault condition for this channel for a continuous period of a more than 2 seconds. Wiring fault. 89 FPS(Main) not selected. FP(Main) has not been selected or has been de-selected on an Analog channel. Electronic Throttle Control has been shut down Wiring fault. 90 FPS(Sub) not selected. FP(Sub) has not been selected or has been de-selected on an Analog channel. The Electronic Throttle Control has been shut down Wiring fault.
  10. The way the unit works is that once powered it looks for noise on the knock signal wire to let it know the engine is running. If there is any noise on the signal wire when the unit is powered up it will run through the calibration process. This noise could be due to other devices in the car such as coils turning on, fuel pump, engine fans etc. Wiring to the sensor should be shielded, the ground to the unit will need to be very good also. Check the wiring is not running along or close to any high current devices that turn on with the key. What I suspect could be happening is the unit is calibrating to a non running engine and as such is much too sensitive.
  11. Should be very soon It has been a long time coming for this one.
  12. You can of course have more relays. It really comes down to the current load on each relay. No point having a massive amount of relays all supplying a couple of amps each.
  13. What you are looking at there should be fine to do. No reason knock can not be used even with anti lag. If you set it how you have suggested it will only be active when anti lag is not.
  14. If you have the fault values set to 0V and 5V it will turn off the error detection. You can check the function of the sensor by measuring the voltage on the signal wire to the ECU. The voltage should change with temperature. You are certain the correct temp channel is selected?
  15. You can have %slip as an axis on your target table and if you don't have different targets for RPM you can then set the RPM axis to the volt input and your other to %slip. The ECU logging only logs Speed off one input not %slip
  16. It depends on the model as to what each pin does on some models the functions are reversed.
  17. Yep the firmware will need to be a version that supports the timers for them to visible.
  18. It will be on D16 or 17 depending on jumper locations. If you wanted to use other Di inputs Di5 or 8 would be my picks. Both are not needed for good running of the engine.
  19. Do you have the 04-06 board or the 06-07? On the later ecu the AC request can be on one of two pins depending on ECU jumper configuration.
  20. On some models the Fuel pump output and A/C clutch output are in opposite positions. Your base-map will need to be modified if this is the case. For the oxy sensors it will need to be set as a narrow band input. Also the fault settings will need to be set to 0V low as the sensor will read 0 volts at engine not running.
  21. The other option is to use a GP limit table and limit based on %slip. Retarding the ignition will help also but to much will create a lot of exhaust temp.
  22. You might also need to adjust the target table to a max of 98% open so its always able to reach the target.
  23. Check that you target table is spanned off FPS not TPS. Pid as a starting point would be P of 6 I of 0.14 D of 30
  24. Check the fault values in the configuration. If the error high and low values are incorrect it could put it to the fault value.
  25. On the RX ECU that will be fine to drive those injectors direct. On a Storm or Xtreme they would require ballasts.
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