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Posts posted by nissan200sx.dk

  1. Hi.

    I will make a change to a 3.4 liter engine instead of my 3.0 liter engine. This is the ONLY change.

    3400/3000 = 13,3%

    Can I just add 13,3% to my entire fuel map? I know I will need some adjustment when it comes on boost, as it will do so earlier, but other than that?

  2. Sorry for digging up an old thread, but this will keep the topic in one thread.

    If I make a correction to one cylinder will my overall AFR then change? Or will the ECU compensate?

    Also, can I just calculate the % difference in temperature and then add or reduce with that amount?

    The biggest difference I have in temp is ~50 degrees celcius.

    Any starting points for how much to add to correct for X temp?

  3. Thank you Dave, will try those things.

    The noise is a high pitched squeal.

    I use wavepad sound editor, as the manual.

    Recalibrate knock box? I have checked the output so its between 1 and 2 volts.

    The knock frequency will that change also?

  4. Hi Dave.

    I got a signal now, About 120Hz at idle in second gear.

    From that frequency it a speed of 6500 kmt. My speedo just goes to the bottom, and I can see 6500 kmt in the vipec software.

    I tried calibration ranging from 1 to 9000. Didnt change a thing.

    What could this be?

  5. Hi.

    I want to use ABS sensor for speed, as my current gearbox has cable driven speed, but my speedo is electrical.

    The ABS sensor has 2 wires thats inside a shielded wire.

    I have 1 digital input. I have a shielded wire for my digital input. Shield in this wire is from the green sensor ground wire from ecu, the lead is the digtial.

    How do I connect it to that ABS sensor?

    Extra info: The ABS sensor is used by ATESSA system, so it need to be a shared thing here.

  6. Hi Dave.

    Thank you! There is alot of things I can change. Thanks for the help with all the potential wiring problem I need to have a look at.

    My GTR sump and front transaxle, will that change the knock frequency? Or will it just add different noises to the recording?

  7. The knock sensor wires are away form ignition sources. But just to be sure, what are considered as being part of an ignition source?

    Power for ignition?

    Ground for ignition?

    Wires that go to from ECU to ignition amplifier?

    Wires form ignition amplifier to coils?

    Have used it for a couple of years or so, with no issues, but after I made the conversion to 4x4, and a new engine wiring loom ive had generator noise.

    Should the ground and power wires for knock box be seperate to rest of wiring?

    Thank you


    PS. thanks for the help with injectors.

  8. Hi Dave.

    I am not sure I understand.

    would it be possible you can make the changes to compensate the move from 850cc injectors to my new 1000cc injectors?

    I understand my master fuel, but not the master fuel trim.. that it can only give positive values? Currently i have minus 24% that works great....

    Fuel Main settings with my Bosch 850cc injectors is

    Master fuel: 7ms

    Master fuel trim -24%

    % difference from old to new injectores is: 850/1000 = 0.85 =85%.

    So my new injectors should only have a master fuel that is 85% of the old value. Is this correct? This is not the master fuel trim, only master fuel

    They was 7ms -> 7 * 0.85 = 5.95ms ~ 6ms. I can not enter 5.95ms in master fuel, it has to be 6ms.

    What should my master fuel trim then be at, to compensate for the last 0.05ms <-- If I currently have minus 24% in master fuel trim, how do I compensate for the last 0.05ms from master fuel?

    Thank you.

    RB30DET - 4x4 - 026IMPX12 - Engine start Rev 1.11.zip

  9. Hi.

    Just want to make sure.

    I currently use Bosch Deka 3105 850cc low ohm injectors and will change to Custom Fiveo 026IMPX12 1000cc high ohm injectors

    My Bosch low ohm injectors was peak and hold, and my new high ohm should be saturated. Is this correct?

    Fuel Main settings with my Bosch 850cc injectors is

    Master fuel: 7ms

    Master fuel trim -24%

    % difference from old to new injectores is: 850/1000 = 0.85 =85%.

    So my new injectors should only have a master fuel that is 85% of the old value. Is this correct?

    They was 7ms -> 7 * 0.85 = 5.95ms ~ 6ms. I can not enter 5.95ms in master fuel, it has to be 6ms.

    What should my master fuel trim then be at, to compensate for the last 0.05ms

    And is all of the above correctly assumed?


  10. Yes spot on!

    Example for ECT temperature.

    -30 to 50 degrees its red.

    50 to 80 degrees its yellow.

    80 to 100 degrees its green.

    100 - 110 degrees its yellow again.

    110 - 140 degrees its red.

    Something like that! I can only make it in two colors, but would really like to get three.

    I also want to use these three colors in my other gauges, I just need to know how its done, then I can make the other gauges my-self.

  11. Hi Dave.

    No its not really that I am looking for.

    I only want to change colors in the 6 gauges and not the needle color. I was hoping that I could have 3 colors for the scale / background of the gauges. For example for ECT, when engine is cold the background is red, at 50 degrees it goes yellow, and at 80 degress its green, when it reaches 100 it becomes yellow again, and at 110 degrees its red.

    Thank you for the reply. :)

  12. Hi.

    I have attatched my layout file. Rename the extension to .llf and not .zip as it is now. Only way I was allowed to upload it here.

    Is it possible to change my gauge colors to have three colors? Now its either red or green, but would like to get yellow incorporated also. Red > Yellow > Green > Yellow > Red

    Thank you


    Bil layout 1.04.zip

  13. OKay this is what I have.

    DI6 = Engine start button / engine off

    AUX7 = GP out, for starter relay.

    COND (1 AND 2) OR 3:

    SW COND 1 = TIMER 1 > 0,00s

    SW COND 2 = RPM < 500

    SW COND 3 = DI6 = ON

    TIMER 1

    Activation: DI6

    Max Time: 5s

    Reset when on

    Virtual AUX 2


    SW COND 1 AND 2

    DI6 = ON

    RPM >700


    MAP is setup with rpms on x, and Virtual aux 2 - 0,1,2 on y axis. (What does the 0,1 and 2 refer to???)

    This limit will be activated by the virtual aux 2, and is used to cut engine.

    I still need to input the correct values in the limit table before I think this setup would work.

    Would this setup work?

  14. Hi.

    I am having issues getting my car to idle. When its cold, ~0 degrees celcius, there is no problem. But as soon its begin to warm up, already around 20 degrees celcius its having trouble idling and get worse as it heats up.

    When I used the standard injectors @ 4,5bar fuel pressure I had no problem, also when I used standard fuel pressure @ 2,5bar and standard injectors I had no problem. Now I have changed my injectors to Siemens Deka 3105, 83lbs and having trouble.

    If I touch the throttle the engine is very responsive, and have no issues. Its only at idle.

    Also, its a bit hard to start when cold. I need to crank a bit before it cough and begin to start

    Could someone take a look at my .pcl file and see if some settings are wrong, or any other things that needs attention.

    Thank you very much.

    RB30DET - 4x4.pcl

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