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SW20 3SGTE G4+ Plug In Drive By Wire

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hoping you can help. I was planning to buy the Link drive by wire adapter but have subsequently heard the G4+ board in my plugin already has the capability for DBW but the pins aren't linked to the board used to take the stock wiring (plugin part). I've also heard these can be modified so these pins are reinstated and therefore DBW is available without the adapter.

If so are there guides to do this? I've had the ECU for well over a year so I'm guessing the warranty is over? So by getting a professional locally (UK) to link these pin outs is that acceptable?

Any help appreciated!




Link has a limited lifetime warranty these days, but im pretty sure that they charge a fee for modification to the unit for the likes of DBW adaption.

Best bet would be to contact the service/sales guys at Link directly.


For me, the ability to get rid of the stock TPS, the stock ICV and the ability to run different maps which include different throttle maps. At a later date, I may add cruise control and some other bits. But initially they're the advantages I want. 

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