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Digital Input voltage threshold & hysteresis

Eric S

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Can the input threshold of a digital input can be increased slightly? If it's fixed threshold, at what voltage will the input go 0 to 1? and the hysteresis if there is any?

My MX5's AC blower fan knob is essentially a voltage divider and ECU only recognises fan speed 1 as HIGH and rest of speeds 2, 3 and 4 as LOW. So the AC clutch will only work when fan speed knob is turned to 1. Did some scoping, attached for future visitors.

Since I'm making a custom adapter board for the "main" PCB, I can include some additional comparators with increased threshold (say 4V). I wanted to check if PCLink allows changing the input threshold; I vaguely recall Motec having the ability to adjust it but it's been long time.


MX5 AC Blower Fan Knob.png

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Another trick we use on some of the plug-in ECUs is put a diode or two inline on the DI.  With a standard diode you will get a 0.7V drop over the diode - so it would lower your 2Vmin to 1.3V.  If you connect two diodes in series your 2V min would drop to 0.6V.

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Ah I thought of wiring it into one of spare AV input, but it made me think because whenever blower fan in off position, 10-12V is applied to the input. Since I don't know the input range/limits of AV input, and the maximum allowable error low/high value that can be entered on PCLink is 5V, I assumed the limit is 5V.

Can the voltage applied to AV input be read above 10V continuously? If so I'll go with this method otherwise Adamw's series-ed diode method might be the easiest solution.

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