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injector setup for G4+ Plug In EVO7, CT9A


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I need some help to setup this injector for my EVO7 G4+ Plugin... 

Please help how to set up the injector scale as, do i need to adjust the

Master Fuel (Ori 12ms)

Master Fuel Trim ( 0% ) which increase from 560cc to 800cc injector

As i need to key in the detail for the Injector Dead Time (ms) but the Injector which i am using only show from 10v to 15v. Do i need to make change for the 6v to 9v ?? 

I have already making change for eliminate the ballast for the it so that this can use the High Impedance injector. 

Thx for helping 

Injector 800cc Brian.jpg

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It is unlikely to ever operate in the 6-9V cells so it is not really important, just guess the values will be acceptable. 

Drop your master fuel to 7ms should get it close enough.  Fuel table will still need re-tuning since the data is unlikely accurate.

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Thx Adamw... About the Master Fuel adjustment... what actually is the meaning of it on compare to any injector that we are using?? like the bosch EV14 which we are planning to use one day... how about the Master Fuel Trim do we need to make any adjustment to it?? 

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Just because: I did a curve fit for the data you were given in Excel then calculated the values for the other voltages based on that.  It's probably just as accurate as a wild guess, but here you go.  Use it if you want.

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19 hours ago, GT_maxwell said:

About the Master Fuel adjustment... what actually is the meaning of it on compare to any injector that we are using?? like the bosch EV14 which we are planning to use one day... how about the Master Fuel Trim do we need to make any adjustment to it?? 

The master fuel is just an overall scaling factor so that the main fuel table so it has a usable range.  If you have a master that is too big then your fuel table numbers will be very small and you lose some resolution.  If your master is too small then you may reach the limit (biggest value the fuel table will accept is 150%) before the engine has enough fuel.

Typically a master around 15-20 will do a 500cc injector on a average sized engine with petrol.

7-10ms for a 1000cc injector.

4-7ms for a 1500cc inj.

Master fuel trim is just a finer adjustment of the same effect.


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Alright I got the Ideal Admanw... I will try to adjust the ms first before i go for the adjustment for the Master fuel trims.. And thx for the great infor … i will need this to setup the correct fuel setup.. As the customer will soon upgrade to Bosch EV12 Bosch 1000cc or 1300cc injector so, so once i have the information i need i will be able to get the injector setup correct... thx.... :-) 



On 12/10/2020 at 4:13 AM, Adamw said:

The master fuel is just an overall scaling factor so that the main fuel table so it has a usable range.  If you have a master that is too big then your fuel table numbers will be very small and you lose some resolution.  If your master is too small then you may reach the limit (biggest value the fuel table will accept is 150%) before the engine has enough fuel.

Typically a master around 15-20 will do a 500cc injector on a average sized engine with petrol.

7-10ms for a 1000cc injector.

4-7ms for a 1500cc inj.

Master fuel trim is just a finer adjustment of the same effect.



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