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e85 cold start terrible on big 2400cc injectors


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Have a link g4+ plugin running 2400cc siemens injectors on a rb26/30.

Prior to this, was running bosch 2200cc injectors.

Cold start was bad with the 2200cc, now its absolutely terrible. Possible the tune needs some work in this area, if anyone can give me some pointers to try and make this any better, that would be great.


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  • jimmylemon changed the title to e85 cold start terrible on big 2400cc injectors

You might want to attatch a log and a map so we can see what you are working with. 

Typically for e85 you will need a lot of crank enirchment to get the engine to kick.

Once it fires, make sure you have enough post start enrichment fuel to keep engine alive, then slowly decay the fuel out, but not so quickly that engine starves of fuel. 

By the time you reach warm up enirchment (30s-1minute into engine starting) you can then start leaning out fuel mixture to whatever target you have set. But try and keep it richer for the first minute to help engine stay alive. 

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