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Communication speed change and improvement during PC log acquisition

k fuku

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新しいレイアウトをクリックして、何も表示せずに PC ログを開始すると、理由はわかりませんが、約 40Hz でデータをログできます。


www.DeepL.com/Translator で翻訳 (無料版)


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The Hz value at the top right of the screen I believe is the "redraw rate" for the displayed PC Link data.  This will get slower with more data displayed and slower when PC Link is doing other intensive work in the background such as logging.  It is mostly related to the speed of the processor and graphics card in the PC - although if comms is slow then this redraw rate will drop also.  

Make sure all power saving features of the graphics card are disabled and it is always in "max performace" mode.  

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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

Sorry maybe I misunderstood your question.  What are you changing?  The connection speed setting?  Or only changing the layout?

Connection settings
USB Auto Low-speed connection enabled

Communication speed 50 Hz during PC link online
(No logging with basic layout in place)

Turn off all layout displays during PC logging to increase communication speed.

If you leave the layout displayed while logging, the communication speed will be severely reduced.

The log data volume increased in proportion to the improvement of communication speed.

Is this a bug or something?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The communication speed changed depending on whether the layout was displayed or not, and the amount of log data increased in proportion to the increase in speed.

Notebook PC Settings 
USB suspend, power consumption function off
Power Plan Performance

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The PCLINK software uses a lot of CPU power to draw.
This is often the reason for reducing the layout and making it faster.
Please let me know the model and specifications of your PC.

If the processing cannot keep up or if the CPU becomes hot and the frequency decreases, the sampling rate also decreases.

And a little bit of a solution
1: Change the layout to something simpler.
2: Reduce unused parameters in PC logging.
3: ECU logging is used instead of PC logging.
For faster PCs, use the default layout in the Layout folder to output 60 Hz or higher when logging.

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