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AFR Safety System


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Hi Guys,

I have been giving this some further thought, and while it is not what you are asking for, there is a way to create a system that does some of this currently.

1. Set up your wideband O2 sensor on AN Volt X

2. Set up a GP limiting table with AN Volt X on the Y axis. Configure the axis range to what you want (8-19 AFR?)

3. Set the startup and activation delays.

There are some situations, like over-run fuel cut, where you expect your AFR to go very high. You will need to be mindful of this when you set up the activation delay. You can either fill the tables out with zeros or decide on some other RPM level you would be happy with.



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I had this set up a while ago and was advised against it by RAY who said that it would not work properly, also if the turbo is properly sized a fair amount of boost would be available from low to mid RPMs so the engine rpms would have to be severly cut for this to work properly.This brings me to another question , what is the point of having two boost limiting maps that use the same exact limiting parameter (coolant temp.) ? I think the second map should be made customizable so that the user could select whet ever he wants like fuel pressure , lamda , fuel differential pressure , egt etc etc.

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Can you recall the reason why it would not work? It is merely a suggestion for you to try, feel free not to.

also if the turbo is properly sized a fair amount of boost would be available from low to mid RPMs so the engine rpms would have to be severly cut for this to work properly

Luckily the system is capable of a 100% cut then, I think it would be pretty hard to push through that.

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This brings me to another question , what is the point of having two boost limiting maps that use the same exact limiting parameter (coolant temp.) ? I think the second map should be made customizable so that the user could select whet ever he wants like fuel pressure , lamda , fuel differential pressure , egt etc etc.

Scott , you mind commenting on this ?

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Good morning,

I agree with you that having customisable axis on the MAP limit table would be useful. I am happy to pass the suggestion on. The reasoning behind having switchable MAP limits is the same behind switchable fuel, ignition and wastegate DC tables. It allows you to have multiple tune levels in the one ECU without having to switch base-maps.


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Can you recall the reason why it would not work? It is merely a suggestion for you to try, feel free not to.

Luckily the system is capable of a 100% cut then, I think it would be pretty hard to push through that.

He did not say , but after thinking about it I think it may have to do with the fact that there would be no dead band or allowance for stabilization time (as in the auto tune config.) which would result in numerous repeated engine cuts.

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Good morning,

I agree with you that having customisable axis on the MAP limit table would be useful. I am happy to pass the suggestion on. The reasoning behind having switchable MAP limits is the same behind switchable fuel, ignition and wastegate DC tables. It allows you to have multiple tune levels in the one ECU without having to switch base-maps.


Great , I hope this would be really considered , maybe you could even just change it to AFR instead of coolant temp and add a third one for EGT! :D ......in my humble opinion these are two of the more important parameters on a boosted engine that should be monitored and acted upon (by the ECU)when necessary. Just for information , I have set up a "safety" system to drop boost , reduce timing and increase fueling in the event that egts' go high , fuel pressure DP goes low or AFR falls when boost is above value X , in order to achienve this I had to utalize all three virtual outputs together with an aux. output and it still isn't as safe as it could be since its only looking at EGTs' and AFRs' above a (1) certain point as opposed to the entire boost range.

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For the V series it will only ever be bug fixes from now on.

The i series will continue to get updates but there is no particular time frame around it as it is always very up in the air, It is never known what testing might show up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
For the V series it will only ever be bug fixes from now on.

The i series will continue to get updates but there is no particular time frame around it as it is always very up in the air, It is never known what testing might show up.

This is VERY DISSAPOINTING to know :!: After all the years of support it seems like us "V" series owners have been chucked on the side to make way for the new product and can only be "TRULY" considered again if we put out $$$$ (again) for an I series computer :!:

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Hi Marcel,

As you would know the V series reached it's limits as far as processor speed and ability and other hardware components within the ECU.

When this was realised the I SERIES came into play.

Unfortunately the i SERIES is far to different internally to simply upgrade a V series to an i SERIES.

Remember I DO NOT WORK FOR ViPEC in any way shape or form.

My PERSONAL opinion only,

The purchase of an ECU at it's time of release and it's abilities and functions are no different to buying any other item.

For example a laptop or television.

You buy it and six months later they release a newer, smatter, faster, better one.

Fortunately the V Series lasted a lot longer than that, quite a few years in fact.

The engineers had simply stuffed it to bursting point with functions and abilities, it had to reach it's limits sooner or later.

This did eventually happen and hence for the birth of the i SERIES.

You still have an exceptional ECU, unfortunately your requirements that you wish for out weigh what the V88 is able to do.

Just my personal opinion.



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