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AN Volt for gear cut and some bugs.


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ECU: V88

FW: 4.9.7

VTS: 4.9.7

Function request: AN Volt input for triggering a gear cut event.

Currently only DI 1 to 6 can trigger a gear cutting, but many modern shift levers have equipped a motive/position sensor which will output a 0-5V analog signal, but V88 can not use it for gear cut for now.

I have to install a extra switch in the shift system to trigger a DI input, but the position sensor come with shift lever is wasted and it will still take a DI. DI is expensive in some cases.

(there is another complex way to make it functional without extra switch, by using ViPEC's virtual aux output function but that needs 1 AN volt, 1 DI and 1 Aux, that's really luxurious!)

BUG:(or is it a feature?)

When a CAN bus connector is plugged to ECU, the USB connector won't work, VTS can not find ECU from USB connector. No matter the CAN line actually connect to a CAN system or not. I still can not figue it out how could that be....

In this situation the only way to connect to ECU is using serial Tx/Rx integrated in the CAN connector. But many modern laptops does not have a serial port and a usb to serial convertor is not as stable as native serial port from a laptop.

I found that V44 added external E-throttle driver function in 4.9.7, that encouraged me and I think you guys are doing really good work but let's make it better and better.

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Hi Warm up

We are always working to improve and customer feedback helps us in this direction.

The CAN / USB connection issue you are seeing can be resolved. This happens when the CAN cable also has serial wires contained in it.

The best solution to this is to use our CANF plug.

This allows only the CAN wires to be connected and USB coms will remain working.

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Hi warmup.

The AN Volt activation of gear cut is a good idea and I will add it to our feature request list.

With the connection issue you are experiencing, if there is anything connected to the Serial RX or Serial TX pins in the CAN/Serial connector you will likely experience problems when trying to connect via the USB tuning port. This is because serial goes out to both connectors.

If you are just using the CAN H and CAN L pins in the CAN/Serial connector USB should work fine.

The pinout for the CAN/Serial connector can be found under VTS Help > Wiring Information > Communications Port Pinout



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Hi Simon and Scott,

Thanks for your reply.

Looking forward to the AV gear cut feature:)

I understand both usb connector and CAN/Serial connector will transfer Serial data stream,

but I still can not understand if there is nothing connect to the other end of TX/RX line in the CAN connector,

how could it interfere the Serial communication in USB connector by just plugging an usb connector in CAN port?

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