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It means the ecu put max DC to the motor but it didnt reach fully open.  Possibly means the PID still isnt close enough. 

If you have already calibrated throttle you dont need to do this again.  Do us another log and I will check


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Still PID needs work by the looks.  You can see the first 2 open and close movements went ok, then on the third one it lost control and went into an unstable oscillation.  

Can you attach the current tune, I will see if I can offer a suggestion.


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Quick question @Adamw

how likely is it that the throttle body Ive got needs to be replaced? Had a mate around yesterday testing my wiring at the connector end of the TB and the link loom plug. Everything was checking out fine with that. From the attached photo, the tps main closed will not drop lower than 2.429v, would that indicated that the tb itself may have an internal issue based on any experiences you have seen?

Calibration is pretty average, using the pedal it gets to about ~50% throttle input, the butterfly in the TB starts to flap back and forth pretty wildly.



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Looks normal to me.  Usually the voltage span on one sensor is half the span of the other sensor.  Swap the tp main and sub as its better to have the larger range as the main but that wont make any difference to the control. 

If its oscillating then you or your tuner need to tune the PID. 

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Hey mate, back at it again still trying to set this thing up. Log and ecu save is attached. I tried to capture the log during on-set up mode an then on to show the error Im getting when I move from on set up to ethrottle on. Its now throwing E-Throttle Min %DC Limit at me. What have i set up incorrectly there?

In on - setup mode, 100% pedal input is visually only giving me about a third of throttle plate movement


P - 7.00

I - 0.102

D - 30.00

deadband 0.2%

Max clamps 90%/-90%

ECU save.pclr ethrottle log.llg

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  • 7 months later...

The DBW motor needs to be connected to Aux 9&10.  You could possibly repurpose the Aux5/6/7/8 wires by connecting them to aux 9/10 etc at the ecu end, but you will need an expansion loom to access aux 9/10 anyway so it is probably easier to run the expansion loom all the way to the throttle body.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Adam,

For absolute clarity the DBW Motor MUST go onto the expansion plug as Aux 9 & 10.. In the software on the G4+ EVOIX Aux 10 is not shown, is it correct that Aux 4 software = Aux 9 output and Aux 9 software = Aux 10 output?!

The position inputs from the TB and Pedal can go to any of the Aux inputs, most likely those originally used for the ISCV? 

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14 hours ago, Adturb said:

For absolute clarity the DBW Motor MUST go onto the expansion plug as Aux 9 & 10.. In the software on the G4+ EVOIX Aux 10 is not shown, is it correct that Aux 4 software = Aux 9 output and Aux 9 software = Aux 10 output?!



14 hours ago, Adturb said:

The position inputs from the TB and Pedal can go to any of the Aux inputs, most likely those originally used for the ISCV? 

You need to connect the TPS and APS sensors to AN Volt inputs, there are plenty on the expansion connectors.  A stepper motor uses aux outputs.  

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