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G4+storm ecu

Clinton Broomhall

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Hello , 

I feel I am going to have this problem when I have finally finished building my car .

This problem is that I purchased my link ecu from a teademe auction about close to ten years ago and it's taken me this long to get as far as the k20a motor  installed in my eg Honda but from what I've read in the manual I need to contact my dealer? 

So what if it's second hand (not in this case) or can someone tell me why the code isn't in the box , on the box, or anywhere to be seen? I've got to try and find the person that sold it to me ten years ago? That's pretty stupid , they wouldn't even remember if I did manage to find them.

Surely there is some kind of identification on the ecu somewhere that this can be cross referenced .

Like I said it's a k20a engine and a "plug and play " g4+storm link ecu.

Any guide or information regarding this would be greatly appreciated thank you 


Clinton Broomhall,  from Wellington 

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There is a serial number on the ecu and on the outside of its box.  If both those have been removed then you can connect to PC Link and go to >help>ecu information.  They are shipped locked so that if they are lost/stolen etc they cant be used.  Obviously there would be no point putting the unlock code in the box.  

If you contact [email protected] they should be able to get you an unlock code for it assuming the ecu was not reported stolen.

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