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G4X altezza plugin using it on jzs171 crown etcs wont calibrate error16 h-bridge polarity is reverse

d-worxs danny

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hey boys does anyone here have run into same or similar issue where the e-throttle won't calibrate and the display error16 H-Bridge is wrong polarity?

i had try many ways reversed the polarity's from high to low,target table to APS instead of tps and could not figure it out any toughs on what could be issue??

already swap to 2 other throttle body's and still the same error happening back to back

any help would be much apreciated thanks 

jzs171 dbw wont calibrate.pclx crown jzs171 dbw h-bridge is reverse polarity.llgx

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The log shows the TPS following the pedal, but if you think it is working back to front then the TP cal may be backwards.  

Can you just power up and with no foot on the pedal (APS= 0) tell me if throttle is open or closed.  And what does TPSmain read at the same time.

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I load the map, the same issue exist APS=0, TPS=1.9, throttle plate still fully open. 

I tried switching the 5v and ground signal wires in reverse at the tps connector, the throttle plate closed as normal with the APS=0 and throttle position actually follow the APS movement. But I am still unable to calibrate it. Error 16 H-bridge still occurs.

here is the log file

PC Datalog - 2022-08-21 8;25;09 pm test 2.llgx

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Can you make sure the 2 TPS sensors are wired per the help file.  TPS main I dont think will matter, but the TPS sub stops working at one end, and that dead patch is now at the wrong end.  Also confirm that the clutch is wired to Aux 7.  

Then please log a TPS cal procedure.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I can see what is causing that error now.

At the point I have marked with an arrow below, the ecu has removed power to the throttle motor (DC goes to zero), when this happens the ecu expects to see the throttle blade move towards closed due to the return spring, but you can see that both the TPS sensors stay at 100% after this point.  So this either means the throttle was already closed, or possibly the mechanism is a bit sticky so the spring alone is not enough to move it closed?

Does it appear to be working correctly now or is it working in reverse of the pedal?


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10 hours ago, Adamw said:

Does it appear to be working correctly now or is it working in reverse of the pedal?

Can you please just follow instructions and answer the questions.  We are going to be here forever if you keep randomly changing stuff with no logical diagnosis.

Is it showing 100% tps when the throttle blade is closed or open?

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sorry i did not explain it right 

the throttle was showing 100% tps with the blade fully closed and 0% with blade fully open 

then i did reversed the polarity and the throttle worked how it supposed to but wont calibrate because it was not closing at all 

the exactly way that you have pointed in the above picture it will go fully open but won't close 

following what you mention about possible mechanism been stick i went to check the throttle body and find plastic shim that goes in between the cover and the gear broke off with that happened the gear was making contact with the cover keeping it at 100% open position

after finding that  broken peace i swap the throttle and it appear to be working fine

will test it again in the next few days and get back to you 

thanks for the tips and sorry for making it so confused

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  • 1 month later...

hi Adam finally got some time to work on the crown and everything is working properly with the throttle thank you for the help

i got another question about the air conditioning not working 

the wiring is tested and the ac mgc work how it should on test mode but when i press the ac button on it stay inactive on CAN DI 1

not familiar with can bus is any how you can give some guide on this issue?


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The Altezza PnP uses a CAN to MPX convertor. However the JZS171 might or might not use 100% the same frame structure as the XE10. But I'd be checking MPX pins on the ECU header are around the right way. 

On the PnP the pins for MPX are;


E5 - MPX1
E12 - MPX2

I don't have the JZS171 wiring diagram but I do have JZX110 ewd. JZX110 shows MPX1 wire colour is R-L (Red-Blue) while MPX2 is Y (Yellow)


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The toyota multiplex is a single wire system, the MPX1&2 pins are internally connected - just coming/going from different devices, same data on both pins.  So MPX1/2 being swapped would be an issue.  

Is the tacho and coolant temp gauge working?  From memory the AC needs both these working.  Otherwise I would agree with wastegate - possibly the JZS171 bean has some differences to the altezza.

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5 hours ago, wastegate said:

on the crown the pin mpx1-2 goes on same plug as the jzx110 but different location 

one thing that is interesting is going on pc link can setup stream 2 and changing the offset from 0 to 1 the CAN DI1 will go on when i click apply of course it won't turn off unless i put it back to zero 

i'm not one bit familiar but reading online someone mention protocol for receive and transmit would not match with the altezza one might be the reason for it no work so that could be my issue?

but searching around the jzx110 late model  share the same protocol with earlier model crown so i tough mine been the earlier model jzs171 it would work like it did on my jzx110 late model so maybe the wires is on wrong position?



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