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Can lambda issue

MR2 Circuit Racing

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I have a lot of issues with the Wideband lambda module for my 3s-gte and G4X PNP. It fails 50% of the time when starting the car, as soon as a successful heat cycle has been completed the sensor will run for the rest of the race.

The problem is getting really annoying as I do not dare stopping the engine during lineup as I am not able to start/stop the car when leaving the pit.

Symptoms are:

The Lambda is heated for appx 3 seconds rising the temperature to 650-700degrees, then it generates error 33 Open circult.

State changes to diagnostic mode and Error changes to 16 Heated Too long

The sensor will start heating again and then the problem will repeat itself with intervals from 3 to 10 seconds. 

In some cases the sensor will hear correctly and enter operating mode it seems the the initial heat get the sensor a bit higher in temperature then the attempts when it fails (700 degrees vs 660)

I see a strange pattern where the sensor temperature is not rising or even falling during the first 5 seconds of the Heating phase after that point temperature will start to rise , but it it seems that the time when it is acually heating is too short to get it sufficiently heated in many cases.

Setup and performed tests:

- LSU is placed appx 1 meter from turbo and 1 meter from exhaust outlet as the car has a very short Exhaust (MR2)

- The LSU has been replaced by another bosh 4.9 sensor, the old sensor has been tested in a another car running Haltech Elite ECU and CAN lambda where it has been running without any issues.

- I have tested with a direct power supply from the battery and a separate supply it did not help.

- Added a 22uf capacitor as suggested in some of the older threads without any improvement.

- No can or ECU errors

- Power is above 14 volts at all times (measured with multimeter and ECU logging.

- Iridium spark plugs resistor type

-Race Technology Dash 2 and Race technology data logger connected communicating with the ECU using their CAN adapter I have tried removing all other components and terminating the CAN bus without any change.

LambdaError.llgx boost update.pclx

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Nearly always if there is Error 16 & 33 at the same time it is either a lack of current or extreme inductive noise on the power supply.  Your "separate supply" test should have ruled this out though, can you explain how that was done and what was used as a supply?  I think it could possibly be caused by the sensor as well but that would be much rarer.

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I used a 12v jumpstarter/battery however i did keep the ground attached to chassis, I will try again and seperate the ground with logging at least to see if it makes a difference in temperature development.

How long will it heat the sensor before generating the error?

I have a slight suspicion that the heater is having issues warming up at expected rate due to the very free flowing exhaust and fast idle - the car is slow to warm up due to coolant setup. After the first heating attempt the system is set up to fail as the heat cycles are too short before stopped.

Yesterday I added a switch to be able to power cycle the sensor while running and it seems that switching it on while engine is warm will help, but I really do not like the diagnosis phases and turning it off manually during engine operation - it is not good for sensor life.

I had a plan to make some logic using an output to power cycle it if case of error unfortunately it is not possible as the error state if once set is still active even if when the sensor enter operating mode. The error handling in the module seems from my perspective as a sw developer to be bit strange and non repetable. 

Haltech had similar issues years ago and seems to have fixed it. Even if the issue is indeed noisy ground I suggest based on the amount of feedback that you improve the robust ness of this module - after all automotive environments tend to be noisy at it seems a bit counter intuitive to remount my cheap analog controller which have been working flawless from the same supply for years:-)


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Our CAN lambda uses the Bosch CJ135 chipset which is their most advanced digital LSU controller, it performs many more error and signal validation tests than most other performance aftermarket controllers as well as some less common advanced functionality for sensor life improvement such as dewpoint detection of the exhaust gas for the correct heating strategy at startup.  It requires a stable clean power supply with adequate current for many of the tests to be effective.  For performance engines which may run CLL at full load, often coupled with a fairly extreme environment for the sensors such as aggressive limiter bangs, fuel additives, silicone poisoning etc, we think it is an advantage to have as many of these validations functional so CLL can be disabled and warn the driver when the signal is suspect.  Yes you can add a capacitor as a fudge in cases where the errors are being falsely reported due to excessive inductive noise or voltage drops, if a clean source cant be found, but this does potentially weaken the ability to detect real errors at the same time.  

There was a small hardware revision to the CAN lambda about the middle of last year in an effort to allow a bit more supply noise.  

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Thank you, I tested today separating ground. It seems I have issues with both ground and 12V, even with the capacitor mounted it has issues extremely sensitive.

I improved the ground and took a test wire from the battery the other end of the car it seems to work thank you! 


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