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Launch control settings

Håvard Karlsen

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Example Below.  

Example below. 

Launch button is DI3.  DI3 is used to activate/reset a timer.  Set up a virtual aux with a condition timer < 8.00s, we will use this virtual aux to activate launch control (the timer will only be <8s when your finger is on the button and for 8s after you let go).  Set launch control to 3D mode, with virtual aux 1 as the activation control.  Put timer 1 on one axis of the 3D launch table, this will vary your launch RPM limit based on time after launch.  


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This is just a random made up example, but it is a quite normal trend for road racing, I have no idea how things work in snow.  But the general idea in cars is there is an ideal amount of slip that will give best acceleration (not zero slip).  It is much easier to start off with too much slip, then quickly pull the RPM down to achieve the ideal slip, than it is to start off with too little slip, and then somehow try to invoke an increase in slip. 

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1 hour ago, Adamw said:

This is just a random made up example, but it is a quite normal trend for road racing, I have no idea how things work in snow.  But the general idea in cars is there is an ideal amount of slip that will give best acceleration (not zero slip).  It is much easier to start off with too much slip, then quickly pull the RPM down to achieve the ideal slip, than it is to start off with too little slip, and then somehow try to invoke an increase in slip. 

Will it work with jump to 8000 first, and so down to 5000-6000 and so up again? Is that what you mean?

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You are not "jumping to 8000", this is the RPM that the engine will be held at on the start line and for maybe the first 2 wheel rotations, then you quickly reduce that down to the slip value that gives you the best acceleration.  Once you have the slip under control and the vehicle accelerating, then you ramp the RPM back up to your normal RPM limit.  

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