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ground confusion


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Hi, I'm planning to install an AFR gauge on my dash.  To do this, I'm planning to split the signal from my Innovate Wideband controller so it supplies both the ECU and the gauge.  

My question is this: will it cause a problem for the ECU to ground the instrument to chassis ground with the shared 0-5V Wideband signal?


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That is the problem with the Innovate product, there is no dedicated analog ground.  Connect the innovate black wire to the engine block will give the best result, but you will likely still have odd behaviour such as the AFR will change when you turn the head lights on etc.  

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The early UEGO series also have the same problem. No dedicated signal ground.

I'm not sure on the compatibility with the G4, but I'd be inclined to go a CAN based Lambda controller.
That way you can avoid the unnecessary digitial -> analog -> digital conversion.

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Thanks Derek.  

I'm planning to upgrade in the future to have a more current ECU platform (for support purposes) but also as I would like to have cruise control.  Was thinking to go XtremeX, maybe I should be thinking FuryX to simplify the whole Lambda controller issue.  That would put many of my current peripherals (Lambda, E-Throttle) into one box for reliability and simpler  tuning/wiring  

My concern with that route is to have an AFR gauge, I would likely need to go Link CAN gauge which has always struck me as too $$$ but when I start adding up the costs of going with analogue gauges and wiring...

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Why do you need an AFR gauge though? They're not very useful in day to day driving. And if you're actively tuning you'll have the readout on the laptop.

If it's just to fill a hole in the dash I would go with a CAN gauge like you've said. But no need to get the Link one. It's just a rebranded gaugeART 52mm - literally same smartphone software and configs the same within the Link tuning software. There's also other brands of 52mm CAN gauges available.

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Even though when tuning I have the number in front of me, when not tuning I start getting anxious about what the AFR is doing and whether I screwed things up with my last session, or the sensor's gone whacky, or the ECU has...I know, not really rational.  Thought a cheap ($40) analogue AFR guage could make my daily driving more relaxed!

I see other CAN gauges out there (didn't know the LINK was a re-branded guageART) but they're all pretty much in the same price range and I just don't think it's worth it to assuage my irrational anxiety about AFR which will go away as I gain confidence in the tune...

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