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Subaru V11 SI Drive CAN


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I connect CAN bus 1 to Link CAN Lambda and Syvecs WMI controller. Looking at ECU install manual the SI Drive status broadcasts is in CAN bus 2, I wonder how to use SI Drive status to activate Table2 Boost control and how the status can appear on ECU parameter which I can use as WMI controller cal switch selection.


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The Si Drive mode is available in the ecu as CAN AN 1.  



There are many ways you can use this, for example you can put it directly on the axis of tables for something like changing target boost or launch RPM, or you can use it with a GP aux to switch tables or switch some function on and off, or use it in math functions to manipulate some logic.  

Below is an example that would switch to boost table 2 when Si Drive is in sports sharp mode.  The GP output becomes true when CAN AN1 = 1 (1 is sports sharp mode), this makes virtual aux 1 active.  You then use virtual aux 1 to switch your boost table and activate wmi. 



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