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Boost control setting


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Hi guys I'm working on my boost control.

I set the Proportional at 0 in order to refine the base table. (At first I tried but I suppose the values were too far from the mark and it was impossible to set the PID properly. the oscillation was way too big.)

I still reach the MAP limit during gear change. I guess I have to reduce the stage one frequency to calme down the peak that I got?

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wmszvu3uzwbok2lyib1w3/Fay5.llgx?rlkey=dmn1ebp5y4grmmhtr1e2hcai1&dl=0




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It shouldnt return to stage 1 during a shift, it should only drop back to or stay in stage 2.  This means it is dropping below either the MAP or RPM activation values for longer than the deactivation time.  So, most likely reduce the MAP activation or Increase the deactivation time out.  

I think you may have attached the wrong log as the only thing related to boost control in there is the target.  

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Thanks, that’s the only data I have. I usually log on the pc but I was on track and it’s only the internal logging of the ECU . I may not have added enough parameters :/

I’ll try according your advice: I set the deactivation time to 1s (it’s an old car with a slow gearbox..)

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