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Fault Code 75 - IS300 2JZ GE - Stock Throttle Body


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This has been giving me trouble on my car. I have tried making some adjustments and searching around but cant seem to resolve it. I tried adjusting the APS (SUB) 100% and TPS (SUB) 100%. Also tried to recalibrate but cannot get it to stop throwing the code. Here is the log and some of the settings as well as the tune. I am using the stock E Throttle but continue to get the fault Code 75. Is this related to my PID settings? Appreciate the help! 







Bad throttle.llgx Updated AFR Table.pclx

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I am using a G4X that I ordered through panic wire. Correct stock ETCS-i throttle. Hmm I may end up doing that if I can’t resolve this. I did not like how heavy the pedal felt when I drove a friends car with the DBW deleted, however they were on stock ecu so not sure if that had anything to do with it. It almost felt like it was too difficult to modulate the throttle correctly. Once again this could of been because of the stock ecu. Let me know if you experienced that with the Link ecu and the DBW delete.

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Does it happen when driving?  It has tripped in the log due to the constant fast pedal stabbing with not enough time in between for the throttle to catch up, so you continuously have more than a couple of percent error present for the set fault delay of 1s. 

But moving the throttle like this when the alternator is not charging is probably not something that is going to happen in real life, so is probably not your issue.      

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