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Wheel Speed Sensor VR type setup through the Link Razor PDM


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I am working on setting up the LInk Razor PDM to work with the Link Xtream ECU.

I am having trouble wraping my head around the communication protocol between the two.

Can you help me setup the final details for the viarable reluctor RR wheel speed sensor and the fan control.

The fan controller is a Spal brushless with a built in temp sensor.  I only need a 12 volt trigger to have the ECU turn on the fans while running the A/C.

Also if you could provide a CAN Keypad example for manually tuning on the fans that would be very helpful.

I have attached both tune files for your review.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Xtreme Rx8 ECU Ethrottle cal6.pclx rx8 setup 1.pdmc

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First note you only need one CAN channel set to Link CAN Lambda in the ECU regardless of how many CAN Lambdas are on the bus.

Without testing it your setup looks correct for receiving the wheel speed in the ECU from the PDM, do you have a frequency showing up in the PDM but not showing up in the 'CAN Freq 1' runtime in the ECU?


For the fan control you would set the Engine fan 1 output in the ECU to a virtual Aux and then use a spare GP Output to control CAN Aux 1 based on the status of the Virtual Aux and a CAN DI from the keypad.

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I have not got the car together enough to test the wheel speed sensor yet.  While bench testing I can't get enough wheel speed to show a reading in the Link g4x ecu while logging.  I can however get a very clean signal on the oscilloscope.

Would it be posible for you to attach a tune file and pdm file to show that example?

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I have not got the car together enough to test the wheel speed sensor yet.  While bench testing I can't get enough wheel speed to show a reading in the Link g4x ecu while logging.  I can however get a very clean signal on the oscilloscope.

Would it be posible for you to attach a tune file and pdm file to show that example?

The keypad will be controlling mostly ECU stuff.



Keypad will be controlling mostly ECU stuff.

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In The ecu I turned off the 2nd CAN lambda stream, I changed the fan 1 output to virtual aux 1.  GP output 5 then activates CAN Aux 1 (Fan request to PDM) when virtual aux 1 or keypad button 1 (fan override) is true.  

I turned off the multiple functions you had assigned to CAN DI 1 & 2.  



In the PDM I just turned off the keypad message and setup, everything else should work as is.    


rx8 setup 1.1.pdmc Xtreme Rx8 ECU Ethrottle cal6.1.pclx

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Thank you for helping me get this setup correct.

I have button 1 on the keypad setup for the start function.  With this in mind, I have moved the fan override to button 3 on the keypad.  Did I do this correctly?

I also saw that I had mutiple functions on button 2 which I am using for E-throttle table switching.  It appears that Simple button 2 needed to be set to None rather than CAN DI 2.  Is this correct?

I assume based on no changes made that the RR Wheel Speed Sensor on ADIO5 on the PDM is setup correctly.  Is this correct?

I have attached revised PDM and Tune files with the changes I made.

I am struggling to wrap my head around CAN in general including the CAN Keypad and the PDM. 

I am just now starting to understand the digital dash. 

If you have any further education materials available for the CAN Keypad and or the PDM I would be grateful.

Thank you again for your assistance.


rx8 setup 1.2.pdmc Xtreme Rx8 ECU Ethrottle cal6.2.pclx

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Fan override on button 3 looks correct.  Simple button 1 & 2 inputs need to be assigned to the DI you want to use to perform the function.  Before you had CAN DI 1 set to both simple button 1, and table button 1, so that's why I turn those off.  

Your speed sensor looks correct except for the calibration will likely need adjustment.  

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I just tested the system and all three buttons work with the CAN DI set for each button.  CAN DI 1 and CAN DI 2 show in the Run Time Values as Multiple and CAN DI 3 shows as Simple Button 3.

A have attached a tune file, log file and PDM file for review.  The log shows each button being activated.

I don't understand what casues the Multiple issue to be present.  Can you shed some light on that issue?

Thank you again for all your assistance.

Xtreme Rx8 ECU Ethrottle cal6.2.pclx Test Button 1,2,3.llgx rx8 setup 1.3.pdmc

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This is expected as you have 2 functions linked to the CAN DI, you can click the spanner icon in the CAN DI connection list to see what those are.  CAN DI 1 for example has the simple button 1 and the start pos assigned to it - which is exactly what you need.   CAN DI3 only has the button assigned to it and nothing else, so it doesnt say "multiple". 


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