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Feature Request: LTT Update Disable Input


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Currently the LTT options in the new G5 flavour firmware is a bit binary..


Off, On, or Disable Input


I've been using the LTT Disable Input with a math block like IAT>50,ECT<80,Engine Runtime>60

the Disable Input covers both updates and application - with it disabled, the LTT doesn't apply trim but doesn't update the table either.


I'd like to get the best of both worlds... I'd like a feature to have LTT updates disabled but the trim constantly applied - my intuition (system sperg intuition) tells me that combined with general CLL this would give a better effect.


In other words, I think I could trust the LTT to give better general results in most conditions especially when the table is filled out, but I'd rather not have it constantly updating the table when outside of normal running conditions. I.e. Hot restart or stop start traffic or similar edge-cases.

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  • atlex changed the title to Feature Request: LTT Update Disable Input

Yeah being able to select how the Disable Input functions would be great.

I had also initially hoped the Disable Input would just disable the updating of the table until that condition is met, rather than disabling the table being applied to the fuel calcuation also.

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  • 2 months later...

You could call this a 'Disable Update' function I guess, with an inverse - that is a function that returns 1 for the bits we don't want to update for (warmup, high iat, mostly) - is there a more formal way than posting here, for these sorts of feature requests ?

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5 hours ago, atlex said:

is there a more formal way than posting here, for these sorts of feature requests

Through Tech support would be the other way, I have had this tab (along with a bunch of others) sitting open for a while now but haven't gotten around to looking through it properly as there is always a lot to do.

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12 hours ago, Vaughan said:

Through Tech support would be the other way, I have had this tab (along with a bunch of others) sitting open for a while now but haven't gotten around to looking through it properly as there is always a lot to do.

Alright mate. I'll leave it here informal like..  and await the next release <B

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  • 3 months later...

Hello again,

With your help Atlex I figured out how to write the math functions and the equation you sent me was almost right. I just had to change & to | (or).

In conclusion, my Long Term seems to be working exactly as I wish. It only makes "safe" changes, that is when the ECT and IAT and TPS are within the ranges I consider ok (ECT between 75-85 deg, IAT between 25-38 deg and TPS over 1%. Over time, I now get adjustments in the LT map that are within the range of +/- 2% approximately. I will let the LT map work for a month now and see the real LT result over time. After that i will dom my final adjustments to my Fuel map. Of course, I think this strategy only works and seams resonable when a fuel map only needs fine tuning.


/ Johan

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