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I got this from a friend today as he is no longer using it. I want to see if I can get it to work . 

I was interested in finding any information on it. 

I also got the serial port adaptor. It has a USB B and a RS323 port on the adaptor. Which 1 will I use to  connect to my laptop? And what software do I use? 


This is the front sticker. It has 3 plugs that plug into it. 


  • ozyvr4 changed the title to LinkPlus ecu identification

This is a G1 LinkPlus.  The manual is in the sticky topic at the top of the G1 forum, link here: https://forums.linkecu.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2537

You will need PC Link V2.5 from here: https://www.linkecu.com/pclink/PCLinkV2.5Setup.exe

The comlink device can use either the USB B or the serial if you had an old laptop with a serial port.  For the direct USB method I think the newer G4+ drivers attached to this post should work as the original ones are unlikely to install in modern windows.    

Link USB Drivers.zip

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