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Trigger change


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I want to swap to a 12-1 ross balancer away from my existing ross 36-2.


Can someone tell me the steps involved in making this change, I just want to get it running again with the 12-1.

Assume I know nothing about how to do this.




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I just looked back at your other posts to understand what you have now.  I would generally say reducing tooth count is not going to solve a trigger error - a trigger error just means the ecu didn't receive the tooth count that it expected to.  So either an extra "tooth" has been generated by ignition noise or similar, or a tooth has been missed due to a sensor/wheel/tooth/airgap compatibility issue.      

Looking at pics of your trigger wheel in your older post, it does have unusually sharp teeth for a hall effect sensor, so there is a tiny bit of doubt in the back of my mind that the sensor may not always be happy with that.  Does the 12-1 wheel have bigger teeth? 

In your other post you mention the trigger error occurs during a hard launch, is that still the case?  Does crankshaft end float look normal?   

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That's the 12-1. Always does it in high rpm, put a brand new sensor on the other night and same deal. End float within spec. Was only getting to 5k rpm the other night and it was doing it. Is there such thing as not enough gap? I'm just lost at this point I think it's been at least 3 years now I've been chasing it.

It sucks because I do see people running the 36-2 without fault which is why I really saw that option as just silly, but what's left at this point.


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17 minutes ago, jimmylemon said:

Is there such thing as not enough gap?

There is, but that looks quite acceptable.  The main thing that looks less than ideal on the 36-2 is the width/length of the teeth.  The 12 tooth looks much better from that point of view.  Note it is not 12-1, it is just 12T as supplied by the looks, unless you are going to grind one off.  12-1 would give slightly faster start-up on average compared to 12T.  

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You are correct Adam sorry it is a 12t.

Are you able to tell me more about how to reset base timing and what's involved? I'll take a look on YouTube later to see if there are some link videos on it, but just looking for how it's done, eg do I need a timing light? What domi need to do in the menu's?

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