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Oil Temp Sensor - Which one


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I'm looking for an Oil temp sensor that I can use with my G4+ ECU.

I assume I need a 2 or 3 wire 0-5V sensor? 

Would this coolant sensor work with oil? 


Does anyone know of any other sensors that are available.

Also, I assume I take the supply from the +5V on the expansion connector?



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Temp sensors are 2 wire.  One pin connects to sensor ground, the other to a temp input.  Yes any coolant temp sensor will work for most users.  There are dedicated oil temp sensors, the main difference being they usually have a larger temp range of up to around 200°C whereas coolant temp sensors only work up to about 140°C.

I would just go with whatever is easily available locally with the mating connector.  A common bosch 026 if your engine is metric or a GM/Delphi in 3/8NPT would be readily available in most parts stores. 

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They are not 0-5V.  Temp sensors are a NTC resistor. 

If I google one of the examples I gave, "Bosch 026", I get 8 million hits and the first few pages are all local vendors, so it cant be that hard to get one.  

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The Link ECU needs a 0-5V analogue input, so surely I need a 0-5V sensor. If its only 2 wire sensor then I cant supply the sensor with +5V power from the ECU, and then get a 0-5V signal back



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6 hours ago, baboon8008 said:

The Link ECU needs a 0-5V analogue input, so surely I need a 0-5V sensor. If its only 2 wire sensor then I cant supply the sensor with +5V power from the ECU, and then get a 0-5V signal back


Temperature sensors are resistors that change resistance with temperature. To read a temperature sensor you need to connect one side to ground and the other side to an ECU An Volt or An Temp input, if using an An Volt input you also need to wire up an external pullup resistor to 5V whereas the An Temp inputs have this pullup built into the ECU.

The combination of the fixed pullup to 5v and the temperature varying pull down to ground acts like a resistor divider which causes the voltage on the ECU input to vary with temperature


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