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Link can keypad

Matthew Ball

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Have you read the section in the help manual ECU Tuning Functions -> CAN -> CAN Keypads?

Basically set up a channel in the CAN setup for CAN Keypad 1 as specified in the help manual, then select the correct Keypad type in ECU Settings CAN -> CAN Keypads -> CAN Keypad 1 and then you need to select a function for each keypad button that you want to use.

Simple buttons are just a switched input with the LED being the specified colour when the selected CAN DI is active (if you want push for on and then push for off you will need to turn on the latch for that CAN DI in CAN -> CAN Buttons -> CAN DI Latches)

Table Buttons are just a switched input but the button LED colour can come from an unrelated runtime for example the button can be antilag enable but the button colour indicates the status of the antilag instead of just has the button been pressed.

Increment Button is a counter that wraps around when you go past the max value, LED colour is dependant on the count.

Up/Down Button takes two keypad buttons with one being increment and the other decrement.

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Hey there I have read the help file and the can device specific I wanted to get the fan and fuel pump buttons going but I not having much luck with it 

These are what I want to geIMG_20240712_154613.thumb.jpg.c2277352214c90f9da4c389a777be1e9.jpgIMG_20240712_154613.thumb.jpg.c2277352214c90f9da4c389a777be1e9.jpgIMG_20240712_154613.thumb.jpg.c2277352214c90f9da4c389a777be1e9.jpgt going 

Can you not get aux to work with keypad 

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Sorry I think I am getting my head around all the buttons are for the dual tables ign table fuel tables boost tables launch control an anti lag are digital aren't they only guessing how the fan one sets up ??? 😮 😔 

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Hey there I'm having some luck now I have the fuel table button working as well as the ignition table button and the boost buttons working I need a hand with the link button I want to use it for logging but not sure how to make that work also wanted to confirm the anti lag and the launch control I have them showing working on the run times screen digital inputs in the can section but not in the motor sport section? Last but not least is the fan button not sure how I could make it turn on and off by the buttons this is new to me I'm a mechanic by trade so would like to learn with your help thanks again Matthew 

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hey vaughan i want to use the link button for turning logging on an off fan button to turn fan on and as i posted my launch control and anti lag show on the runtimes screen digital inputs but dont show active in the motorsports runtime i think its got to do with setting them up and have not tryed it with engine running

matts car 4.pclx

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Is the keypad connected to CAN 1 or CAN 2? Looking at the back of the keypad which number button is the one with the Link logo?

Your attached tune doesn't have any keypad stuff setup in it at all.

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For Button 1 (Logging) go into the ECU Logging setup window and use that CAN DI 1 as your IO On condition.


For the Engine fan you need to set the simple button 5 reset input back to Off and then set up a GP Output controlling Inj 8 (I assume this is the fan output) based on the state of CAN DI 5.

If you want the fan to come on automatically and you also want to be able to force it on then you would use a virtual Aux in the normal fan setup and then in the GP Output you would have the Injector 8 output on if either CAN DI 5 is active or the virtual aux that you selected in your CAN setup.

Anti Lag status has the following possible values, you've only put a non 0 value in the '1' cell of the table and so any status other than "Armed: AL Active" will haev the button LED off. Fill in the other status values with the colour you would like for each.


Launch control status doesn't have as many possible states so probably easier to just use a simple button there.


For your boost control I would have set it up with button 2 set to "Up/Down Button 1 Increase", button 6 set to "Up/Down Button 1 decrease" and then after setting up the appropriate range I would have put the Up/Down Button 1 CAN Analog on one axis of the boost target table so you could move through several different levels of boost, your current setup just has one of the boost buttons for one table and the other button for the other table.

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hey there got the fan working thanks not having much luck with the logging set the io can digital 1 set the 4 boxes next to the io and clicked some parameters but not much luck the launch control still no good and got the antilag to arm when the engine s running played around with the boost can you have a look and see if im heading in the right direction  p.s what do you think i should use the rotary dial for so far i am trying to set up a rb25det its got dbw flex fuel sensor oil pressure an temp sensor fuel pressure an temp sensor coolant pressure sensor 

matts car 4.pclx

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The ecu logging isnt even enabled in that map.  The launch set-up appears to be ok. What does CAN DI4 status show when you press the launch button?  What does Launch status show when you push the button?

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I'll try again I've set all them things in the pink outline you marked but it does not log an the enabled just turns back off it's on can di 1 not 4 it doesn't turn active in the runtimes logging sections on ecu logging or PC logging only di 1 turns active in the can runtimes 

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attach a copy of your tune with the above changes made that you have tested and doesn't have the logging working. I assume when you are testing you can see the CAN DI 4 status change.

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