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Setup for cranking ST205 - 3SGTE


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I have a ST205 with upgraded 800cc injectors from standard 540. I can get it to start with the master fuel set to 9 but it runs rough. If I adjust the master fuel setting to 13 it then runs much better and will even idle. If it stops it cranks but will not start unless I reset the master fuel to 9 and once running can then put it back to 13. I'm guessing I need to adjust the cranking enrichment is this correct and which way would I go?

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I dont see a lot wrong in terms of cranking or start-up fuel.  Although the first few RPM columns of the fuel table would generally be much flatter than you currently have, I'd normally expect something more like below as usually the torque will peak at say 30% throttle at 1000RPM.  So that will probably be adding a bit more cranking fuel than normal.  There are a few other things that I would possibly change depending on the history.  Can you give a bit more info on the history - has it been tuned and starting reliably previously or is it a new install and untuned?   


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It's a new install just trying to get it running well enough to take it to a tuner. It's a newly built motor and the only items that have been changed from the default Toyota Celica ST205 G4X map are setting timing, TPS 0 & 100%, MAP sensor calibration and added a fast response IAT and wired to airbox sensor, and swapped IAT input to use this. The motor has 800cc high impedence injectors fitted instead of the 540 factor items so the ballast resistors have been removed.


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2 hours ago, koracing said:

@tuit - let me know if you still need help with this - I probably have a much better starting base map having tuned a few of these.

Yes please - the factory-supplied map has quite a jump at the 100kPa point and this is the area it uses when cranking - would like to see a comparison with a tuned map in this area


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Give this a shot - I set up some of the settings based on your tune above for the inputs/outputs.  It's set up as a modelled tune with factory injectors and regulator.  This is based on a remote tuned a stock ST205 engine (only got it started/driving around -- no dyno tuning or WOT tuning per se was completed yet).


As with any internet sourced tune - use at your own risk.

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9 hours ago, koracing said:

Give this a shot - I set up some of the settings based on your tune above for the inputs/outputs.  It's set up as a modelled tune with factory injectors and regulator.  This is based on a remote tuned a stock ST205 engine (only got it started/driving around -- no dyno tuning or WOT tuning per se was completed yet).


As with any internet sourced tune - use at your own risk.

Many thanks I'll get it loaded up in the weekend looks like I need to upgrade Link software as well


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That base map was for stock injectors also FYI - you'll need to change the flow rate to the 800cc/min you're using now.  What 800s are they?  Sard side feeds?

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Are the injectors known-good?  I've had some in the past that were sourced from a "reputable" seller only to have nothing but issues with them.  I don't think the seller was intentionally selling defective injectors, but where ever they were getting them from I think perhaps wasn't totally legit.  

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