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Monsoon can

Greg W

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Setting up the monsoon with microtech 4 ch egt , via CAN

wired in with 120 ohm resistor terminating the can line  and the trunk has 2  intersects , one for EGT and one for Lambda  

Used the CAN setup AdamW posted for me a few weeks ago for the EGT

all looks good to me but when i search for can devices i get nothing  

Was going to add a X series wideband  to but found the comms are different rate  :( so that intersect is an open connector atm and the stream not configured 


750 Monsoon starter with EGT CAN.pclr

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Thanks Alex, 

Looked at the help file and tried the x series without the EGT at one point and the ecu still cant find it, a bit hard to be sure as the info i see is for the gauge and i dont have a can id and have tried the 384 for gauge can1 and dont know enough about the can to know if its going to work or not 

X series has bit rate of 500b/s   and the  EGT is 1k , so pretty sure i cant run both at the same time   

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16 hours ago, Greg W said:

all looks good to me but when i search for can devices i get nothing  

The "Find devices" function is only used for changing settings on the Link CAN Lambda devices, it will not "find" anything else.  Your EGT setup looks ok to me, there are no CAN errors showing in the Runtimes and you have 4 valid EGT's reading in PC Link so I would say you are set up correctly. 


4 hours ago, Greg W said:

X series has bit rate of 500b/s   and the  EGT is 1k , so pretty sure i cant run both at the same time   

Correct, you will not be able to use devices with a different bit rate on the same bus.  As far as I know neither of these devices have a configurable bit rate.



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