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  1. But new firmware did not helped in my case. So if old firmware could make that issue and installing new firmware did not helped what does it means? Let put it this this way. I start the car on injector timing 320 btdc and I am going to drive it. I am driving steady lets say on 3rd gear 2500rpms and you fell that the car is choking (sputtering) but when at this same moment without turning the car off I change it to 680btdc it stops sputtering and runs perfect. Why?
  2. Thank you for answer. I could understand that but why when car is put back to stock ecu problem is not there? I feel like this is the problem with injector timing because lets say I have set it up at 320btdc and car runs rough up to 4k rpm you can feel is not running correct. Than you just change the injector timing in map to 680btdc without turning the car off and than car run perfect and I can drive all day like that until I restart it. I changed every possible part in my car from injectors,coils, spark plugs, throttle body, wiring, cam, crank sensors, fuel pumps, engine coolant sensor, intake sensor, map sensor and nothing is helping. Very strange is that I meet a guy that has evo 8 with link g4x and the car is doing exactly same thing as mine. I would love to find out the problem and keep that ecu but I am just tired of looking for problem that can't be found. What is the possible way to find this issue? I am engine builder myself and there in absolutely nothing in this car that I did not checked and only when injector timing is changed in ecu the car is reacting and changing air fuel that's why I was 100% sure that this is firmware issue.
  3. Are you guys still trying to help me or this subject is done unfinished?
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r4t9cAynsEpBUAh9WaTJ5K2J-zHMiNwd/view?usp=sharing Look at that picture of the log. All parameters the same (rpm, map, iat ect very close but different afr) and on both runs car run totally different. Nothing was change but only car was restarted. On leaner pull car had absolutely no power up to 4k rpm on wot was ok, another richer log car run perfect on low rpm and wot.
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNeDT6LFaKKXmJMIlPGCZ-1T9Oas9Stg/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDr73vBCKWSpbE5t6mik9BLcHccu5vrk/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/19a_yOX22PZ1RBGaqIreWxMltdrHfxMhc/view?usp=sharing Here are 2 logs with different afr that I log today and my new updated map with iat correction on. I restarted the car and it started running like garbage especially up to 4,000 rpms it is misfiring choking and no power at all on leaner log. On richer log runs perfect. How will you explain that?
  6. Car is not running correct when have leaner afr. It is misfiring, choking feels like I am hauling trailer behind the car but when is restarted it is completely gone and run perfect. Those 2 logs have different coolant temperature but this in not the problem the problem is that car is switching the afr when is restarted. When injector timing is set to 320btdc it is running very rough and poor no low rpm power running like garbage but when is switch to 680btdc runs perfect. How will you explain that? Also why another evo running on the same ecu has exactly same problem and his tune had all corrections set to on and car was fully tuned?. Look like it is still a firmware problem. I can catch the car with 2 logs where all temperatures and everything will be the same but different air fuels if you like me to. Map will be higher on leaner log because when is leaner it is spooling turbo faster. Why car has to be set to 680btdc to run smooth but runs rough on 320btdc? Also look on both logs at lets say at 6k rpms. On log number 1 we have 279.6kpa and log 2 280kpa same fuel pressure and everything else is the same but afr is 10.63 on log number 1 but on log number 2 is 11.25afr. This is big difference. But not only that car runs like garbage on leaner afr and you can feel something is not right but when is restarted is running perfectly fine. it is obvious firmware problem
  7. I am sorry to ask but do you guys have any news about this. Thank you!
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GZSZAg6jeBTNCVDXYxCYxS6m9u773s5/view?usp=sharing I am sorry. Please try now.
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12GZSZAg6jeBTNCVDXYxCYxS6m9u773s5/view?usp=sharing Here is tune with new firmware. Thanks
  10. Here are 2 loggers from today showing different afr after car is restarted. I can't upload my tune after firmware update here because I used all 10mb of room is it any way to unlock more space or can I send tune to your email? Thanks! PC Datalog - 2022-06-15 7;55;58 pm.llgx PC Datalog - 2022-06-15 7;52;45 pm.llgx
  11. Yes I can send basemap and some logs later today. I noticed that when I keep injector timing at 320 btdc than car is not running right you can feel it is running rough and afr was leaner ( bad afr) but after around 15 restarts afr changed to richer and car was running smooth and nice. When I changed injector timing to 680 btdc car was running smooth and nice ( richer afr) but after 10-15 restarts it did changed afr to leaner one and car running rough again. So to make it run nice it must be set to 680btds but still change afr once every 10-15 restarts. I will send some loggers later today.
  12. Thank you Adam! I did PM you back. Look like new firmware helped a little but not completely fixed the problem. Car still switch afr after restarts but not as often as before.
  13. Do you guys know approximately when this can be checked by firmware team? Thank you!!
  14. Thank you Adam I really appreciate that!!
  15. I did checked it twice already but to be 110% sure I checked it today again. The small tooth is on top left when cylinder 1 is at tdc
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