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Arron Eades

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Arron Eades last won the day on February 13

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  1. Hello, How do you all like to mount your ECU? What options do you want to have? Please answer the attached poll. Feel free to add pictures of your installation (Doesn't have to be a Link ECU, but bonus points if it is) Thanks!
  2. Kia Ora, An air gap is not required in general. Your key considerations are heat and vibration. If you have a race car with solid-mounted everything and you know it vibrates more than average, then trying to isolate the ECU from those vibrations is a good idea. You could use something like these with the side mounts M5 rubber mount MM Or these for the top-down mounts M5 Rubber mount MF If you are mounting in the engine bay to a surface that is often hot, then an air gap is a good idea (and make sure it's getting some airflow). If it's mounted to a surface that is cooler than the ambient engine bay temp (for example, an inner guard that has lots of airflow on the other side), then flush mounting is likely a good idea so the mounting surface can help to keep the ECU cool. If it's mounted in the cabin, then it's unlikely you need to worry much about thermals. What's it going in? Keen to see photos when you have it mounted.
  3. Kia Ora, Those threads are not intended for mounting purposes. The Voodoo Pro uses a FIPG (form In Place Gasket). This could make separating the enclosure very hard for service technicians. The threads you are looking at are jacking threads. They are used to jack the enclosure apart without damaging the enclosure. The thread is M7x1.0. It is intentionally chosen to be obscure so that people don't easily have hardware on hand and this reduces the chances of people accidentally jacking their enclosures apart, damaging the seal and the M3 threads that hold it together. The Voodoo Pro is intended to be mounted using screws from the top down and accommodates Metric (M5) and imperial (3/16 or #10) socket screws. As Adam correctly mentioned earlier, there are also M5x0.8 blind threads on the sides of the Voodoo Pro that can be used for mounting. While technically possible, it is not intended or recommended to use the M7X1.0 threads for mounting. You'll see future products from Link that also have these jacking threads. Sorry that this has caused you problems. It was not expected that people would want to mount Bottom-Up, as Top-Down is more commonly easy to access. We thought we'd covered it well by including both face (Top-Down) and side mounting options. Obviously, it's too late for Voodoo Pro, but is there a large desire from the community to use Bottom-Up mounting on future products? Now you have me worried. What fastener have you used?
  4. Arron Eades

    Link Razor PDM

    The idea is to use multiple PDMs (if needed) so that you can have your power distribution where it's used. Ie one in the front for fans, water pump etc, one in the back for fuel pumps, active aero etc. Also total current is usually the limit on most PDMs, so even with more (unused) outputs, you might need a second PDM. Here's a FB screenshot that I thought was a good explanation.
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