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Posts posted by Rossobianconero

  1. when you say below 110, are you taking about actual engine temperature (C?) or are you talking about vehicle speed?

    either way if you post a log and the rom file from the ecu we can have a look.

  2. On 4/23/2020 at 4:47 PM, hung_lo said:

    I have a BP6D 1.8 VVL engine to install in a 1991 Miata.

    I was wondering if the MX5X will support VVL and what additional components I will need (expansion loom - XSL?)
    I will be using the original Miata harness and adding plugs/wiring for the additional components.

    I've been recommended by all who have done this swap to use MS3, but I prefer Link products as I am more familiar and have had 0 issues with them in prior vehicles.

    Thank you in advance.

    I have a couple of customers with the 1.8 VVT engine, they run great on the LinkG4+ wiring ecu. And they upgrade from the MS ECU actually, one of them because of a faulty regulator on the alternator. Without warning the alternator start to make spikes of voltage, and burn the MS ecu... We wire in the Link (without knowing about the problem), after just a few seconds of the first start, the engine shutdown. Looking at the log, we saw voltage of over 18V, the ecu cut the fuel and save everything, the ecu never burn like the MS. I have work with MS ecu, and have customers with them on, I really don´t like it...

  3. On 4/28/2020 at 1:44 PM, RPS13180SX said:

    Hi all, noticed that my car has been running very rough on startup for a little bit, my auto sparky said that the iac valve has quit after 16 years, tried cleaning it and putting it back on. He mentioned that they can tune the vehicle without the iac valve, is this recommended?

    Any help is appreciated, I am waiting for s13 iac valves to come back into stock at efi solutions australia, but they wont have them in time before my tune is booked

    Yes, you can run the car without the IAC, when is cold it ussually have lower rpm that when at temperature, but I have run my SR20DET with a Storm with and without the IAC working. Is a good thing that the Link software let you do a lot of things to get the correct idle, I have other customers with SR20DET and others Ecu brands without IAC and they work OK aswell. Is better to have it but, you can get around it.

  4. you want to read lambda? if so doesnt have to be from a Can device, you can just buy a Aem X series wideband and you use the 0-5V signal, you just wire that correctly to the extreme and you are ready to go.

  5. 1 hour ago, Booston said:

    I know I should ultra rarely hit fuel cut but when I do it’s harsh, best way to soften it?

    or the other option is to detune the engine before hitting you fuel cut, let say you have your fuel cut at 7000rpm, you can lower the power of the engine before that rpm, so the driver knows that he is close or is just slower to hit, you can even rise the fuel cut to 7100rpm but lower the power output of the engine that no driver is gonna push the engine that high because is clearly not making any more power. Lower the boost, putting more fuel, or just taking a few degrees of the ign table, or all of them. Is just another way.

  6. 22 hours ago, Booston said:

    Thanks Ducie, I don’t want to view what’s going on ( mostly race car ) just want automation and safety.

    X could be on the cards then 

    I work with a lot of race cars, and usually my aproach is to leave it to the driver, I dont wont to shutdown the engine in the final corner if he is fighting for the championship, I leave that to him or her to decide, in that case the best way is a Dash, and make different alarms,  he or her can decide what to do and when. In those car I just make corrections to try keep everything undercontrol if something goes wrong. If is not that series the competition then aggresive protections is a good way to save the engine. 


    If you just need to turn on a light to warn the driver, you can use aux that under over X afr and X amount of load turn the light.

  7. 6 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    That reply was related to the part about using math on a 4D ignition table @Adamw.

    Had a play with using Lambda on a GP Limit table axis and it works perfectly when you are connected or have been connected and disconnected but doesn't appear to work correctly when being offline and loading a basemap.

    So a work around for the moment is just to set it up while connected to the ECU.

    Just checked the Math stuff again and it runs into the same problem.

    great info, the math is not a problem I was talking about two difference things, but is good to know that one connected I will have a chance to work that out, still would be great it they fix it. Save me a lot of time with some new projects to make all that configuration at home before going to the dyno.

  8. Well you didn't fix the problem with the the decimal in the tables, I say the other day about a table that I want to create (4D ign correction) using math, but didnt allowed decimals, I put a *10 at the end of the equation, and fix the problem but should be at the first place (easy fix anyway)... and now I was trying to make the GP limit table that I always use, with axis being lambda/boost, but doesn't allowe decimal in the lambda axis... making this GP limit useless. I know I can create another equation, put a 10* at the end and use that result for this GP table, but should be corrected in the software, the G4+ didn't have this problem.



  9. Hi,

    A friend want to install a link ecu to a Nissan HR16DE engine (rallycar) converter to traditional throttle, I know the software has the trigger pattern, what about the VVT that engine has... is a on of switch? or is a VVT that we are gonna need a pattern aswell on the software cause I didn't found one. I don't have the car in the same region to look at it.



  10. On 3/22/2020 at 1:38 PM, Coolbeans007 said:

    Nope I wired it to the other brown wire in my harness.

    and that brown wire of your harness is what?

    If you don't have ground on that brown wire the voltages that send through the 0-5v signal its going to be off. Probably thats why your ecu is reading odd.

  11. On 3/20/2020 at 12:16 AM, Coolbeans007 said:

    Ok first things first, I am no engine tuner, I recently got my ecu with a new harness for my 4age 16v. After getting the guy who made it to tune it, life was good. After doing a few tweaks like connecting the brake booster to my vacuum manifold the idle just dropped, it went from 1200 to 500 and would stall on cold start. I disconnected it and plugged it but the problem remained. I called up the guy who made and we tweaked it a little. At the time I didnt have a wideband so we couldnt see the afr. Now I have the AEM x series gauge. Its pretty good, except, it flat out doesnt send the correct lambda signal to my ecu. The gauge is correct but the ecu reads 1.227 at idle, all the time, even when reving which sometimes stalls it. It sometimes tries to work and it will go down. For example when the car is not on, the lambda read the same on the gauge and on the ecu. The gauge's lambda is very lean on idle, it usually is in the high like 1.6. I am running on pump gas. When I rev up and it doesnt stall the lamda on the ecu is bouncing all over the place. Ive checked my connections for the analog output of the gauge and all the wires are correct. The only thing I can thing of is I made a extension to the power for the gauge and I didnt ground it to the battery. I am running itbs with cop aswell. 

    When you wire the an+ to the ecu, did you wire the an- (brown cable on the AEM X Series) to ground?

  12. I make a MathChannel to keep track of AFR Error, so if the AFR is for some reason leaner that what it should be (specially at high boost), make a 4D table on the ignition correction to retard a little bit the ignition, just to be extra safe. But the 4D and 5D table dont allow decimals on the math chanel Axis, it goes from 0 to 1, wish mean that i cant make no adjustment to the ign with less than 0.3 of AFR error, and then a big adjustment with over 0.4 AFR error at high loads. I'm guessing it can be fix, and save some engines.



    10 hours ago, Wang said:

    One more question, if I want to abolish the MAF of my original car, shall I just leave the line unconnected?

    what do you mean with line? you will just need a Map connected to the ecu, that I think in this case will be the onboard map of the Monsoon. To use MGP or MAP as load in the maps

  14. Did you follow the steps that are explain in the help file? 




    The Nissan 360 Opto Trigger Mode is designed for use with Nissan optical Crank Angle Sensors (CAS) that have 360 evenly spaced slots and 4,6 or 8 different width slots.  Digital trigger decoding uses all of the 360 slots to achieve precise engine position calculation.


      Of the 4, 6 or 8 slots, one will be wider than the others.  This Widest Slot is used by the ECU to determine the engines position in the firing order.  As the width of this slot varies depending on the exact CAS used, an automated setup procedure has been provided.


      Note:  THE ENGINE WILL NOT START when Test ECCS Sync is turned ON.


    Setup Procedure:


      Setup ECCS Trigger Decoding as follows (Read the entire process and ensure you understand before starting):


    1.Ensure the 360 slot signal is wired to the ECUs Trig 1 input.

    2.Ensure the 4,6 or 8 slot signal is wired to the ECUs Trig 2 input.

    3.Switch the key on, do not start the engine.

    4.Connect to the ECU using PCLink.

    5.Ensure all Configuration options are correct.

    6.Under the Fuel heading, select Fuel Setup.  Set Injection Mode to OFF.  This will prevent the engine from starting.

    7.Under the Triggers heading, select Trigger Setup.

    8.Select Nissan 360 Opto as the Trigger Mode.  Note that this will initialise all trigger inputs to default values.  The default values are as follows:

    ·Trigger 1:

    ·Trigger 1 Type = Optical/Hall

    ·Trigger 1 Pull up = ON

    ·Trigger 1 Filtering = Level 1

    ·Trigger 2:

    ·Trigger 2 Type = Optical/Hall

    ·Trigger 2 Pull up = ON

    ·Trigger 2 Filtering = Level 1

    9.Select the resolution mode.  Select Low Res Mode = ON for engines with aggressive cam shaft profiles or lightweight flywheels.  This will provide improved timing stability on engines that have large variations in CAS rotation speed per revolution.

    10.Set Test ECCS Sync to ON.  This will put the ECU into a special mode where it will automatically calculate the position of the widest slot.  Note that in this mode the ECU will disable both fuel and ignition.  Enabling this function will also initialise the ECCS Widest Slot value to 0.

    11.Open the Triggers/Limits tab of the Runtime Values window (F12 key).

    12.Crank the engine.  This will start the widest slot calculation procedure.  This procedure will take about 4 seconds.  If the procedure executes correctly, the following should be observed:

    ·The Trig 2 Signal run time value will display YES first, indicating the ECU detects a correct 4, 6 or 8 slot trigger signal.  If this value displays as NO during cranking, check sensor output and wiring.

    ·Trig 1 Signal runtime value will then display YES, indicating the ECU detects a correct 360 slot trigger signal.  If this value displays as NO during cranking, check sensor output and wiring.

    ·Finally the ECCS Sync runtime value will display YES when the process has finished.

    ·ECCS Widest Slot will change from zero to a value indicating the width of the slot (typically between 5 and 25).

    13.If after 10 seconds of cranking the ECCS Widest Slot value is still zero, an error has occurred.  Recheck all trigger wiring and test the CAS output.  If this is OK, repeat the entire procedure.

    14.If the process completed successfully, switch Test ECCS Sync to OFF.

    15.Remembering that the Injection Mode is still set to OFF, crank the engine and check that a stable engine speed (RPM) is obtained and the value is consistent with a typical cranking speed.

    16.Set Injection Mode back to the desired option.

    17.If all is OK, perform a store to permanently save all settings to the ECU.

    18.Set the base timing before attempting to start the engine (DO NOT JUST TRY STARTING THE ENGINE!).


  15. On the boost control trims, we have a GP trim that on the help file say only work on openloop. I found it great to use it for example to lower the boost if exhaust temp get to high. But for what I see on the software, it doesnt really apply on closeloop, I'm right? If so would be great to have that trim as a GP target trimp aswell. 

  16. 4 hours ago, TechDave said:

    You can do this by way of a virtual aux, but I'll ask them to add the Aux/ign/inj outputs too.

    yes you can get around that, but is a lot easier and faster to just have the ability to use an output like in the g4+, is not a bug, it would just be easier. 

  17. I was trying to make a Nissan VVL (sr20ve) map, with dual Fuel map and ignition map, but you dont have the option to make the change from one map to the other with a output, Just virtual aux, di, candi, etc, but not the outputs like in the G4+, And the help file mension that you can use a output to trigger the change on the maps. I'm guessing that need to be fix.

  18. 19 hours ago, Adamw said:

    List below of currently supported inputs via CAN.  So Oil press is there, exhaust temp is there (would go to one of the "CAN TC Cyl#" channels), but there is no oil temp CAN input.  If you just want to log it or use it for safeties etc then you could bring oil temp in as say "CAN TC Cyl 8", you would still be able to use it for anything you can use oil temp for but it would just be named wrong.

    And yes the AEM dash can send this info to the ecu - however the AEM dash doesnot have any analog inputs - how are you wiring these sensors to the dash?


    Well the oil temp Is actually not that important because has never been really a problem, if the dash shows the oil temp Is More than enought, i can wire the sensors With a External module that you wire To the dash Is actually aem to. The guys at aem said that it can't be done. That the dash can send info but not that kind of info. If you have done it ir try it i Will like to know.



  19. Talking about info vía CAN, with a Atom2 G4+, i know i can send information vía can to my dash (aem cd5 with logger), the question can i send information that Is not wire To the ECU but Is wire To the dash (oil temp, oil pressure, exhaust temp) be send to the ECU vía can from my dash?



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