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Posts posted by Electredge

  1. thank adam, that makes sense I was just trying to make the table smaller. for crank enrich and post start enrich it seems to have very small gaps between the temps, which makes the table very long. especially the 266 and 284 degree temps which hopefully the cars will never see :D... 

  2. OEM Trigger Setup Miata 01-05 VVT Motor 

    Swapped out crank and cam sensors, checked the wiring

    any thoughts as to what might be happening? I was running and driving without any issues but recently started having a startup problem and now a stalling issue which I am now quite sure its all being caused by this trigger. 

    let me know if you see something


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LbvK9zbVvsg2gEFisXd5LCFevVZRW73y/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X9bAQ6YBjBrz6ExZm0SLs75EYo53D3FC/view?usp=sharing

    these 2 scopes were taken back to back... 1st one started, 2nd did not

    TriggerScopeLog - 3-13-21 - not starting.llgx TriggerScopeLog - 3-13-21.llgx

  3. 28 minutes ago, zwhitebread said:

    No problem. Thanks for the thoughts though. I suppose if I can’t figure out the internal wide band I will have to go to a CAN sensor. But I would rather not have to. It’s convenient having the internal one. 

    did you turn off the wideband control / unplug the sensor and then test for the errors? I'd make sure it fixes the problem before purchasing a new WB. 

  4. Adam, 

    Just wanted to let you know, we are pretty sure it was just some debris in some of the vvt hardware. We had a spare engine there so even though we cleaned the old ones off we went ahead and swapped them out just in case and everything works now. 

    Thanks for the help 

  5. I've attached the map, I've confirmed 12v, Gnd, and coil trigger to ecu pin location. 

    I've temporary added a new ground directly to engine from the coil to eliminate "potential bad ground" 

    I've run the test with all 6 coils and none fire, so highly unlikely to be the coils themselves. 

    appreciate any help you can give, this is one of the PnP BMW boxes with the internal igniter. 

    Thanks for the help 



  6. I will try the capacitor for the Lambda errors

    The PCLink Message Unable to connect to ECU continues to cause disconnects, Connection Error 1011 checksum_failed... what should I look into for that? 

    Thanks Adam


  7. Thanks Vaughan, I hadn't considered trying it with the Math Blocks... I should be able to test it sometime over the weekend and see if I have the same results. 

    Which Aux Out did you end up using? I have tested my setup with Aux 3, Aux 5, Ign 8, Inj 8, Aux 9

    Does it matter which is used? When using Aux 9 I didn't get the "fault" on the Aux status but not sure if that was coincidence or just luck? 

    Thanks again for the help 


  8. 22 hours ago, Adamw said:

    Unfortunately no - at least it is not functionality we had planned for the near future.  

    Do you have plans to further develop the Thunder? and if not, would it be difficult to add that functionality? 

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