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Have had pretty good luck with the Can Wideband setup on my car.  Been over a year with zero issues.  Lately though my idle quality started diminsh and i wasnt sure why.  It appears i may be seeing the beginning stages of the sensor failing.  If i turn off the cl loop afr correction  (idle afr target is 14.4) she smooths out.  Turn it back on and the idle starts to hunt around .  With it off afr is pretty close to target and consistent , idle correction is +/-50rpm.  Im also now getting some big swings in afr under acceleration.

Time to order a sensor or look else where?


First check for the Lambda status in the logging this might give some clues. But given it has been fine sensor is the more likely suspect.


Can you attach a log of it running.  Im not convinced from your description that it could be caused by the sensor.  It sounds more like one cylinder has a slight misfire or something which causes the CLL to correct too far.  What happens if you change the lambda aim at idle up or down?

Typically a failed sensor will still read reasonably accurate near stoich mixtures but will get slower to respond and less accurate as you move further away from stoich (or not work at all).


Ill get a log and post it up nexr chance i get to drive the car.  I may toss a set of plugs at it and see if anything changes.  Its about due for a set.  Although under load/boost with CL correction off the car is running normal.


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