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connection error : 1047 serial error

CNC Automotive

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I am having issues with pc link losing connection, I have updated the firmware and have the new pclink but it keeps stopping.

After the update of pclink I now get a fault code rather than it just stopping, can anyone point me in the direction to fix this??

I have tried changing the connection methods in "options-connection"

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I have had the same issue on a G4X XtremeX that I just put on a car here with the newest firmware.  Random disconnects (while running) and moving to a different USB port seems to reconnect.  Seems to maintain connection ok if the engine is off for me.  

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ok so now I changed some settings in my tune to see if the new update fixed my trigger issues (which it didn't :() I removed the external pullups I had on trigger 1 and 2, now I get error "Connection error: 1019 LINK_NOT_RESPONDING_CORRECTLY" and it still drops out at random

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I haven't looked at enough ecus on vehicles with the new firmware yet to determine if this is just this last update or not, but I have some previous firmware G4x with the same laptop and cable(s) that I have no communication issues at all, and others have lots of issues.  It feels a bit random.  I'm going to downgrade my XtremeX and see if it's any better on previous firmware.

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If you want help with the trigger issue, please attach your tune, a log and a triggerscope.  If you want help with the connection issue it will be best to contact tech support as they have more experience at diagnosis of that than me.  

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have been in contact with tech support and have received a USB cable from Link with ferrite beads at each end.  Ferrite beads are used to reduce EMI.  This appears to have greatly improved the issue, though not solved it 100%.  If I connect my laptop to this cable directly it stays connected while running for a fairly long period (several minutes), will disconnect, and then reconnect on its own after a minute or two (you can hear the laptop re-recognizing a usb device).  Unfortunately this is an MR2 so the ecu is in the trunk (boot) and I have to use a usb extension cable to reach the passenger compartment.  The disconnect with the extension is too often to making dyno tuning viable currently, so I have ordered some ferrite beads from amazon to see if I can improve the situation with those.  I don't know if there's any issues using too many ferrite beads or if there is diminishing returns, but I will next try applying ferrite beads to each end of the extension cable and the short comm cable on the ecu side itself and see what that yields.

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  • 1 month later...

Best solution so far is to try different laptops, and then different ports on the laptop, as well as contact tech support on the Link website and get a ferrite beaded usb cable from them, and for me using the belkin brand USB extension has provided the longest lasting good connection so far - several minutes while engine running.  I'm not seeing any updates from Link themselves on this so I'm not sure what we can expect, or when.  I've emailed directly to their engineering, to tech support, VP North American sales, and on these forums.  There is also a thread labelled "G4x laptop connectivity issues" with more details on what I've tried: 


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