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ISCV motor type and ISCV operational issues on 3sgte gen 3


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hello folks,trying to setup some things on my engine while ago, while the car is moving above the speed lockout on neutral the engine revs up to 1300rpm all the time and bounching up and down and when the speed touches the speed lockout of ignition idle control then goes to idle target(900 rpm). sometimes holds high rpms while i change gears or slight moving or having the clutch pressed(which the clutch has individual vacuum feed )

I have 3 wire ISCV and the stepper motor type is on unipolar 6 terminal should i change it to 4 terminal ?All idle feeds and ISCV is cleaned recently. Also aux 1 is isc sol slave and aux 2 is isc solenoid.

any ideas?

rpm log2.llg

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The stepper motor setting doesnt matter since you dont have a stepper motor, yours is a solenoid.  

The jerking/hunting effect is your overrun fuel cut bouncing on and off.  

The RPM hang would suggest the base position table hasnt been tuned.  

The only place in your log that idle control is working is for about 1 second at the very end when the car stops moving.  The rest of the time you are above your idle speed control speed lockout.    

Will need to see a log with some actual idling in it to help much further with idle control.

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On 5/10/2022 at 12:22 AM, Adamw said:

The stepper motor setting doesnt matter since you dont have a stepper motor, yours is a solenoid.  

The jerking/hunting effect is your overrun fuel cut bouncing on and off.  

The RPM hang would suggest the base position table hasnt been tuned.  

The only place in your log that idle control is working is for about 1 second at the very end when the car stops moving.  The rest of the time you are above your idle speed control speed lockout.    

Will need to see a log with some actual idling in it to help much further with idle control.

Hello Adam,

But the G4X supports 3Wire Solenoid.Im asking about the ISCV because the solenoid doesnt go off while im driving. it sucks air so i think this could make it leak air also on boost.I guess needs to be close when you boosting.if the map read 105kpa for example or 60-70% of TP somehow should give order to completely close the Solenoid.

the position table is tuned, the correct DC value is 48% after 70C degrees which doesnt make the RPMs bounce up and down. if i change it higher than 55% then starts bouncing up and down. the reason i want it around 50-55% is that when i rev up and returns to idle makes a little gap and goes down to 850RPM and then 900RPM. its not major issue you barely feel it. 

The Overrun deactivation is on 1300(by default) this is another issue for me because when i leave the gas cuts off and hits 1300RPM and then gives gas again, in towns or short destinations is little be frustrating because the engine doesnt actually slow down in gear.

Im thinking of something the last days. Whats the proper way to keep stable RPM if you dont have ignition idle control ?i guess is to tune the ignition table area that is the idle on low ignition angle correct? When the ecu disables the ignition idle control then the engine revs up like maniac for no reason. the idle ignition control warmed up is somewhere around 0degrees and 5degrees depends the ECT(watch the attached photo) So if i change the ignition angle from the ignition table to lower values it will decrease eliminate the problem, is that correct?In base map also has 10degrees there. 

I attached also a photo of the ignition table and marked the idle area.




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On 5/10/2022 at 9:22 AM, Adamw said:

Will need to see a log with some actual idling in it to help much further with idle control.


10 hours ago, _pkmds said:

Im asking about the ISCV because the solenoid doesnt go off while im driving.

Its meant to stay open all the time, it should jump to the base position + any offset when outside of idle conditions, the valve should be plumbed into the intake so it has the same boost on both sides. 

10 hours ago, _pkmds said:

But the G4X supports 3Wire Solenoid

In G4X you assign the actuator type in the idle settings.  In G4+ you assign the actuator type in the aux output settings.  If your aux output is set to "ISC solenoid/slave" and not "ISC Stepper" then it is set correctly.  

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On 5/12/2022 at 12:37 AM, Adamw said:


Its meant to stay open all the time, it should jump to the base position + any offset when outside of idle conditions, the valve should be plumbed into the intake so it has the same boost on both sides. 

In G4X you assign the actuator type in the idle settings.  In G4+ you assign the actuator type in the aux output settings.  If your aux output is set to "ISC solenoid/slave" and not "ISC Stepper" then it is set correctly.  

Well then ISC ia correct. I found what it was the problem. Firstly the ignition idle control had different range and higher ignition angle which was around 8-13 degrees. When i retuned the map the tuner changed the range and the degrees to 0-5 degrees this forced me to increase 15-20% the ISCV duty cycle of what it was. The correct DC was 60% for 900rpm but the ignition table on "idle area" was to high without the idle ignition control so the ecu was trying to recover the idle target which was impossible because i had 20-23 degrees of ignition angle. I fine-tune the idle area from 5-8 degrees and now it has 1100 than 900 when the car is moving on neutral or changing gears. Which technically compared with the stock Ecu's behavior is too close. So the problem I think it fixed.

On 5/11/2022 at 9:30 PM, HuxRacing said:

Following. I have no idea about the iacv other than in the past we always plumbed the 3s  valves back into the boosted track. Your Idle ignition table should be actual timing values versus idle error. Looks to be setup as timing offset values. 

It was the ignition table area that i marked.. i reduce some of degrees and its working perfectly now.

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