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Recieve acceleration via CAN


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I have an accelerometer that sends its data via CAN-bus. I want the ECU to read it. The first way to do so is to configure the ECU in the following way:



But as far as I could guess, this variables are only for transmitting. If I try to store this configuration, the following error appears:


How can I configure the ECU so the data it recieves is stored inside these variables?


Thank you so much!




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  • 2 months later...

It ain't that much. The idea is not to have an external datalogger:

  • 4x wheel velocity
  • 4x suspension gauges
  • 4x tyre temperature
  • 6x acceleration in all axes (both front & rear)
  • 3x GPS velocity in all axes
  • 2x break pressure (front & rear)
  • IAT, TPS, Lambda... more common sensors


To analyze data, 31 variables ain't that much.

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Wheel speeds are CAN frequencies, you have 16 of those available.  You would likely have enough CAN inputs to log all those as raw inputs, assuming they are all <16bit, but unlikely enough GP Inputs to convert all those inputs into calibrated/labelled channels in real-world units.     In terms of GP analog inputs that are needed for the less common input types, there are only 4 x analog, 4 x temp and 4 x pressure so you will have to pick which of those are important to you.  

As Vaughan mentioned there is already a 3 axis accelerometer onboard, I have never seen anyone use 2 accelerometers. 

Im not sure what you mean by 3 x GPS velocity, I haven't seen a CAN GPS device that outputs velocity of each axis separately.  But if it really does then these would also be CAN Frequency inputs like the wheel speeds.   

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