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RX7 S6 Trigger Issues when cranking


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Were in the middle of starting this FD. Notice that the Trigger is not giving us a proper signal. (see files attached)

1) Signals are on and off consistently

2) 0.2 V is being offset on the trigger.

Currently running G4X S6 plug and play. The harness isn't OEM. The Trigger wiring is in a 4 shielded conductor, Shielding being grounded to Signal Ground. 

At first our concern maybe grounding the shielded to sensor ground. Causing too much noise so we turned off injectors and ignition trigger and tried again with no change. 

The power ground from the ECU pin 12, 13 and 26 are wired to 16AWG and joined into a single 16AWG then grounded to the block. (The battery and others are also grounded at the same location) (Wires are tefzel)

Will try to make a jumper harness from the trigger sensor directly to the ECU and grounding the shielding wire to power ground. This will rule out if both triggers being in the same conductor that may have an EFI affect on each other and or the shielded being grounded to signal ground is making too much noise.

One other thing I would like to try and also make a jumper ground that will ground ECU pin 12, 13, and 26 to the chassis and another at the top of the intake manifold.

Would like to know what others have tried to rule out this issue.


PC Datalog - 2023-08-16 9_24_40 pm Ken, Trigger Signal Voltage Issue.llgx TriggerScopeLog, Ken Trigger Voltage Issue.llgx

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I think Vaughan is probably thinking the same as me, your trigger signal looks perfectly fine but the status runtime suggests your trigger settings are wrong.  I suspect you either have the tooth count wrong, mutlitooth position wrong, or you have sync mode set to cam pulse instead of crank pulse.  

You can look at our FD basemap for the correct settings.  

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