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LT CLL Disable input and Accel Enrich PW vs Mass


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With the addition of the LT CLL Disable input - does this just disable the ability for the ECU to update the trim table? The LT CLL trim table will still be utilized for fueling yeah?

And if the numbers in the Accel Sens Table are in ms when in Pulse Width mode - do they now work like any other trim table if it's in Mass of Fuel mode?

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I was under the impression you had to manually apply LTFT to the main fueling table? Ie. the LT table is just for capturing the incremental STFT data, then it's up to you what to do with it? Wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong here though...


Also has the LT CLL Disable input been added?? Is there a new firmware?

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2 hours ago, DerekAE86 said:

And if the numbers in the Accel Sens Table are in ms when in Pulse Width mode - do they now work like any other trim table if it's in Mass of Fuel mode?

Not quite sure what you are asking here.  The mass of fuel mode can only be used with modelled fuel equation.  The extra mass required for accel fuel gets added to the modelled equation fuel mass for the scheduled injection event.  This mass based mode is mostly beneficial with direct injection where differential fuel pressure may vary from say 10bar at light loads to 200bar at high loads, so using a fixed PW in that case is going to result in a hugely variable accel fuel dose.  With mass of fuel mode the differential pressure and temperature is factored in.

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Hmm that doesn't seem useful. Why would you want to disable the values in the LT Trim tables?

I was hoping to be able to enable CLL control at lower ECT, but be able to disable LT CLL until fully warm.
That way you can have the benefit of CLL but don't start updating the LT Trim until you're up to temp so not introducing any out of normal condition learning into the trims.

As far as Accel Enrich - I'm just not fully sure on what the function is doing in the background. Is it safe to change from PW to Mass of Fuel without retuning the entire Sens Table?

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Yep, corrected thanks. Confused myself because I'm manually applying the bank difference in my individual cylinder correction.

I was hoping for the functionality Derek outlined as well but I assume that can be accomplished with a math block table? Given, the LT tables are being applied on the fly, I'd agree that it doesn't seem to make sense to disable the application as well as the update?

Ideally I'd like two conditions, one that disables updating the LT tables while below operating temp, but also below a certain ethanol percentage. With multiple inputs in math block I could hard code thresholds right?

Also re the new software/firmware (which I've updated now), maybe it's just me but I read this page that it's only available for the new G5 hardware platform, particularly given the highlighted guidance.




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4 minutes ago, Timboj said:

Also re the new software/firmware (which I've updated now), maybe it's just me but I read this page that it's only available for the new G5 hardware platform, particularly given the highlighted guidance.

Yeah this is confusing. The release notes confirm the "G5" version of PCLink includes the G4x firmware but it should probably be a bit clearer on the website.

On 9/5/2023 at 5:12 AM, DerekAE86 said:

Why would you want to disable the values in the LT Trim tables?

Also thinking about this again I can see use cases for turning both the Trim table and Learning off.
For example if you wanted to learn for AC being on - but not have any of those changes influence your main fuel table when AC is off.

But it would be nice to allow the user to decide how to utilize the function. (if the Disable input turns off both, or just the learning)

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