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Spartan3 Wideband with G4X


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Hi all,

Currently bench-testing my setup and I've gotten to the point where I want to make sure my Spartan3s are talking to the G4X XtremeX. 

Going off of this thread:


I set up my first Spartan3 with these parameters:

Firmware updated to 1.08

ID 950

Baud rate 500 kbit/s

Termination resistor ON

CAN format = 1 (Link mode)

I followed the manual instructions on setting up the Link's CAN - starting with CAN 1, I configured channel 1 to Link CAN-Lambda, set the bit rate to 500 kbit/s, set the ID to 950. In Analog Inputs -> Lambda 1 I set Lambda Sensor Control to Link CAN.

I wired CAN-H/L between the two devices. I don't see indication within PCLink that it is talking to the Spartan. I repeated the process with CAN 2 but saw no change. I tried turning the Spartan3 resistor on and off, no change.

The Spartan3 unit has previously been bench tested with another brand ECU so I believe it is good. Is there a straightforward way to confirm comms in this situation? 

Here's what my Runtime Values looks like:


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Did you remember to save the ECU configuration after changing the Bitrate to 500? Also check if the Spartan is in boot-loader mode and that the LEDs are showing an active status. Bootloader information is at the bottom of the user manual. Mine entered this mode somehow and took me a while to notice. 

Edit: double check the CAN H/L wires are properly wired. Could try  swapping them if in doubt.

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ECU configuration saved and stored after each change. Red LEDs are lit, the heater ground is properly connected to prevent Bootloader mode and no green LED lit.

With no O2 sensor connected to the Spartan, what value would it send to the ECU? My Lambda 1 gauge just sits at 0.

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44 minutes ago, Laminar said:

ECU configuration saved and stored after each change. Red LEDs are lit, the heater ground is properly connected to prevent Bootloader mode and no green LED lit.

Your description of the settings seem correct to me. Could you post your tune file? Do the GET commands in the Spartan terminal show the correct settings and match the ECU? My last thought would be to check the CAN H/L wires.

44 minutes ago, Laminar said:

With no O2 sensor connected to the Spartan, what value would it send to the ECU? My Lambda 1 gauge just sits at 0.

Mine shows 0 Lambda with the sensor unplugged and controller on. Surprisingly the runtime showed "OK" and "Operational". I expected it to stay in "Heating".

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Tune is attached. This is the final iteration where I was trying it on CAN 1. Reading back the settings from the Spartan do confirm the correct settings in place.

I know the Spartan will output min and max lambda values for a fraction of a second on startup, I may try powering the Spartan off and on while the G4X remains live to see if it sends data. I should have time to try that tonight.


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I tried both. Weirdly enough when I got home I rewired the Spartan power to a separate switch and powered it up, and my CAN status is now all green. I think it’s working? Maybe when I previously power cycled the Spartan after config changes I didn’t let it sit powered down long enough. I guess I’ll confirm for sure when I get the sensor installed. 

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