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Software Won't let me Save User Defined CAN Bus to internal channel


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Im trying to setup MK60 TEVES ABS Can Signal to be received by the Link and to set my wheel speed values - LF_Wheel, etc. 

When I set it up and hit Save it tells me there's a error in the Can Bus Definition

If I switch it to a Channel in the "Receive Filter" like "Can Freq 1" it saves with no Error. 

Can I not set my Wheel Speed Sensors to look at values coming into the CAN Bus ?   I got this example from someone else who did it, is it a G5 or new software thing locking me out from using those channels to write to ?.  

How do I work around it ?

See Pics, of what I can change to make it save. 

Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 11.03.32 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 11.04.10 PM.png

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From more research, assuming the software forces the values to be stored to a variable, and then the sensor assigned to that variable as it's data source ? 

In the CAN Bus Options, possible variable types are CAN Ana x, CAN Freq x

In the Wheel Speed Sources I have CAN Freq x,  CAN Aux x

So Im assuming you want me to use Can Frequency Variables data types ?

Is this how I should configure this ? 



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Yes, you can assign an incoming data item to a CAN Freq X parameter.

You then, under the Speed Sources setup, set LF Wheel Speed etc to this parameter.


You can't directly assign to parameters like LF Wheel Speed.

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That screenshot is probably misleading - the " - XX Wheel Speed" suffix only gets added in that screen once you've assigned that "CAN Freq X" as the Source to the function.

It's a visual aid in this screen to help, only - you are wanting to assign the incoming data to the CAN Freq X.

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Yes in G4+ you could assign the runtime directly which could cause issues with multiple things writing to it, in G5 there are dedicated CAN runtimes that can then be assigned to the specific runtime in the ECU. This also means you can do wheel speed correction in the ECU instead of being stuck with what you receive over CAN or playing games with CAN multi/divs.

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4 hours ago, Vaughan said:

Yes in G4+ you could assign the runtime directly which could cause issues with multiple things writing to it, in G5 there are dedicated CAN runtimes that can then be assigned to the specific runtime in the ECU. This also means you can do wheel speed correction in the ECU instead of being stuck with what you receive over CAN or playing games with CAN multi/divs.

Thanks Vaughan, makes sense !

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