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S3 8L 1.8T Idle Issue

J Rossi

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-Ignition: Direct Spark, R8 Coil Packs

-Injectors: Bosch 0280158040 EV14 1000cc 95lb

-Fuel Pressure On Prime Max 53PSI

-EThrottle: Stock 1.8T AUDI

Whats happening ?

With the TT base map on model fuelling, i can get the engine to start but when it enters its idle phase will cut completely. Through cranking and start it will hold fuel pressure but im unsure if its the idle settings or limits being reached, maybe a setting I have missed ?

I have the factory APY Pre Cat 02 installed but my current reference is a AEM wideband, on start it conditions are good.

Any ideas on where to go from here with the base map ?  



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It only briefly hits the idle control for half a second until the MAP lockout prevents it engaging again,
though the car already looks to be on the way to shutting off because Crank Enrichment has dropped from its 80% to a 32% Post-Start Enrichment value.

Possibly the Post Start/Warm Enrichment values need some fairly large tweaking to keep the thing running until you can sort out Main Fuel,
or you need to add a fair bit to that Idle area on the Main Fuel table so that the Cold Start values aren't doing so much of the work.

Also it looks like the Idle Control likely won't engage again proving the MAP drops below it's lockout - as throttle position is still hovering about 2% higher than the 1% lockout.

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Your fuel table isnt suitable for modelled fuel.  Import the fuel table from the WRX11 base map will be a better starting point.  

While you are there, import the charge temp approximation table from the WRX map also. 

Turn off the IAT trim table. 

Change injector rated flow to 892cc @ 300Kpa. 

Idle base position may need to be increased a little but see how it behaves with a more correct amount of fuel.  

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The inj deadtimes are too small.  I only have data for 300Kpa for that injector but it will be better than what you have now.  

It looks like you need to add about 1% to your idle base position.  


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