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You have an issue with extreme noise in your TPS signal.  The erratic TPS delta is causing erratic amounts of accel fuel to be dumped in constantly.

It could be a wiring issue, sensor issue, or mechanical issue such as no free play in the cable.  

TPS delta would usually be less than about 0.5%/100ms when steady state, yours is touching ~20%.



Im not sure how unplugging will really give you anything useful, obviously the noise will disappear when there is no signal.


@Adamw you are a STAR! i did a bit of reading from your post, i saw there is a deadband setting, i set this to 18%, as a test... no more cold start issues, AFR is on target , and it runs far , far better, so, going to fit new tps, with shielded cable, new connectors too!  again THANK YOU!! 

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