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Logging CAN inputs from PDM - Fury G4X/Blackbox P14


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What would be the best way to use the Link Fury G4X to log 8bit data from a Morristech BlackBox PDM?

The PDM doesn’t have an inbuilt logger (as far as I can see), and I wouldn’t mind keeping track of the current draw of some outputs.

I was thinking of using some CAN ANV and Virtual outputs?

Thank you!


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for generic data over CAN you could bring it into the ECU as CAN Analog or CAN TC, wouldn't be able to use an output as you can't write to them over CAN.

Newer G4X/G5 firmware's do have runtimes specifically for PDM values from the Link Razor PDM that you could write to as well.

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Attached is a CAN file to get you started.  Use the new "CAN file" function to load this into the ecu.  

For the PDM transmit, enable transmit bit states and transmit output current, use the default ID of 300 like pic below.  The ECU will receive the first 4 bit states that you assign in the table on the right as CAN DI 1-4 (You can use this to send switches, keypad keys, or functions to ecu).   

Current for Outputs 1-14 will be received into the ECU as CAN AN 1-14. 




In the PDM recieve, if you enable CAN receive message 1 with the default ID 400 you will receive CAN Aux 1-4 status and duty cycles from the ecu - so you can use these to control fans, fuel pumps etc.  


In the CAN Bus Input Data, message 1, CAN aux 1 state will be Byte 0, CAN Aux 1 duty is byte 1, CAN aux 2 state is byte 2, CAN aux 2 duty is byte 3, etc.  

BlackBox P14 CAN.lcf

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Thank you so much for that! That will definitely get me started. 
I’ll be using two PDMs. I obviously won’t need to log all 28 outputs, just the critical ones. 

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  • 1 month later...

I've been going pretty well with this so far, just one question.

Your example of transmitting AUX from the ECU to the PDM had one frame. Can I add another frame to transmit more than 8 bytes on that same ID, or do I need to create another stream?

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