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RX7 S6 Plugin baseboard update?


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Hi there, are there any plans to update the baseboard in the RX7 S6 link G4x plugin to bring it inline with the S7/8 board?

Reason being is we can only add 2 extra inputs on a S6 but LOADS of extras on the S7 included a dedicated temp input..

Example would be adding fuel pressure, oil temp and pressure, a 4th ignition output.
I assume we COULD repurpose use the fuel pump speed output as a 4th ignition output I believe for the S6, but that still only leaves 2 AN inputs to use even with the expansion connection.

We want the CAT light as that serves as a check light, and for cars with A/C we don't want to repurpose that output either.

Else for plugins we may be forced to repin to the S7 connector :(



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Yeah this one is one of our older adapters that hasnt had an update for a long time.  It is on the to do list but there are quite a few others ahead of it too, so I think an update is still quite a way off.  

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Dang, need me to draw up the board for ya haha, should be pretty easy to do being a baseboard. Do you have any ROUGH ETA of timeline, cause I can hold off buying for a while (talking 6 months, 1 year, 2 years etc?)

Considering the S6 vs S7/8 cost the same, it really makes the S6 just not worth it at this point :(


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Hmmm that relies on having the correct inputs to start with right..
Fuel pressure
injector data accurate (pulse width adder etc)

I guess those could be worked out, but yeh no doubt why its traditional.

Any ETA on that baseboard Adam? I'm rocking a dirty Power FC on this for now until there is a fully functional plugin option. Having a G4X with only 2 extra AN inputs isn't ideal... (its LESS than I have with the 20+ year old power FC with datalogit)


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11 hours ago, retro said:

Any ETA on that baseboard Adam? I'm rocking a dirty Power FC on this for now until there is a fully functional plugin option. Having a G4X with only 2 extra AN inputs isn't ideal... (its LESS than I have with the 20+ year old power FC with datalogit)


Why not consider one of the wire-in Link G4X or G5's? A G4X Fury or Xtreme will have all the I/O you'll need - I'm running an older G4+ Fury on my FD, and it has just enough analog inputs to support the OMP, DBW throttle and even cruise control (via DBW throttle). Yes, you'll have to build up a new wiring harness, but it's not too difficult, especially if you start by buying one of Link's flying lead harnesses as a starting point.

Considering that an S6 RX7 is now over 30+ years old, and that every original FD OEM wiring harness I've seen is pretty crusty and beginning to fail in places due to age, heat cycles & wear, a new wiring harness is a smart investment.

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Because I’ve already gone through and restored the factory harness, repaired, re-wrapped etc, new plugs where needed etc, but agreed most are just horrid (mine was)

At that point I could just build an adapter harness to run any ecu, or just make a whole new engine loom as you say.

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On 8/28/2024 at 5:29 PM, retro said:

Any ETA on that baseboard Adam?

My guess is more than a year, it is not being worked on yet, and based on others, it generally takes about 6 months to work its way through prototyping, and testing before it is released for production.  There has also been demand to support the stock sequential turbos now that these cars have become more valuable so there are plans to investigate that as part of the update which may make it a bigger job than a typical bottom board update.  

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4 hours ago, Adamw said:

My guess is more than a year, it is not being worked on yet, and based on others, it generally takes about 6 months to work its way through prototyping, and testing before it is released for production.  There has also been demand to support the stock sequential turbos now that these cars have become more valuable so there are plans to investigate that as part of the update which may make it a bigger job than a typical bottom board update.  

100% regarding supporting the sequential solenoids, else all those ppl are just going to jump ship to Haltech, or even just rock the old power FC (which in a way for a street car is KINDA ok if you can live without safety's but the stock FD doesn't have safety either)

Dang I sense some big scope creep there then... Ok It's sounding like I either repin for the newer plug style or make an adapter for a wire in.

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