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Low impedance injectors

Josh T

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Thanks. Iv got a car in at the moment running evo low inpedance injectors with no visible resistor pack, I might have to investigate abit harder. Although i thought they burnt out the drivers in not long at all, this cars been going for 6 months.

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Also, even if you find your injector current is within the allowable 5A, the other thing you need to be careful about with when driving peak/hold injectors with a "saturated" driver is the injector can overheat.  I have never seen it myself but I have heard of cases where the injector coil insulation will basically melt and then it is a dead short on the injector driver.  Then you have a good chance of frying the ECU...

So maybe you will continue to be lucky - maybe not.  If it were mine I would be playing it safe and wiring the recommended way. 

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